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Thursday, May 30, 2019

To Your Health

So, on top of work being a complete disaster, finishing up here and getting ready to move, through this whole thing I've been having some major health issues. It started back in February with yet another bout of bronchitis which eventually went away, but not the shortness of breath. I got inhaler after inhaler, chest Xray, blood work. I had a stress test - just a namby pamby one with no IV or ECHOs - it was inconclusive so I got sent to the cardiologist. My blood pressure and heart rate have been high too but he was reluctant to treat it because he thought it could also be related to my stress levels. Which are way, way up there most days. So the whole thing was a wash. Part of the problem with being healthy your whole life I've found is when you do develop a problem everyone approaches you like a house of cards- you're approached slowly and carefully -  they do not want to change anything about you. At all. So on that front I"m back to diet and exercise - I'm not losing any weight but my blood pressure is slowly coming down.

And then there was my thyroid - I felt like I was swallowing something - again I first wrote it off to being ill but it didn't go away so a CT later found some nodules on my thyroid. And for the record all my thyroid panels came back negative. So yesterday I had the nodules biopsied due to their size. And again the doctor was on the fence since I'm moving and aside from a slight feeling when I swallow..... but we went ahead anyhow as in the end, I did not want to move with this in the back of my mind. The only good thing is if it did turn out to cancerous, thyroid cancer is very treatable and slow growing. So. Getting your thyroid biopsied. For some reason I envisioned a small , very small needle teeny poking and then that was it. If you are wondering, this is not the way it is done. 

First the tech presses down on your throat to get an accurate mapping on the sonogram, then the doctor injects your neck with lidocaine which burns. A lot. After that a very long needle is inserted into your thyroid multiple times and fluid is sucked out. It is very unpleasant, I was told I was super good which in the greater scheme of things I'm not sure what the alternative behavior would be- Shrieking? Thrashing? Dodging? And I have no idea why I thought it would be like a fairy teeny thing. My neck is better today but still fairly sore, I'll survive. The results should be by Friday or so but it's one more thing off the list. 

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

I hope the doctor gets to the bottom of this!