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Thursday, August 1, 2019

Sick As A Dog

Let me start off by saying this is no reflection on the kennel they stayed at - it was well run, clean and both of them came back with no stress or weight loss, we're chalking it up to bad luck. We picked up the dogs from the kennel  late - about 10 minutes before they closed, around 5. They were fine when they got in the car but then Molly touched Boo and he yipped and cried. We noticed under his left ear was very swollen and painful to touch - there's a vet  on the way home that we'd seen but of course the vet left right before we arrived. Boo had an appointment for Monday so the rest of the weekend was benedryl and aspirin. By Monday it was down and looked better but since we operated under Murphy's Law at all times here I took him for his appointment. The vet is sure it's an insect sting which most likely happened when we picked him up and that's why the staff at the kennel did not notice it. I gave them all of Reuben's paperwork so he is now an established patient at the vet, that's one more thing off the To Do List.  Boo by this time is feeling better and everyone has dinner, after I'm sitting on the couch with Molly and she suddenly looks panicked, jumps off the couch and 
poops a lake halfway to the door. 

David came in to hurry them out and just as Molly is heading for the door she poops another lake. Then she pukes. A lot. David hustles them both out while I start - shoveling for lack of a better word - and that's just the start of it. We gave up trying to make the door around 1am, she just couldn't do it and when she finally ran out of juice she was just a sad, sorry mess. Off to the vet with her around 8:30am, she had no fever or pain so it was either stress or a virus  - they gave her some medications to help with the vomiting, she slept and pooped for the rest of day while David and I swabbed the decks. By the end of the day we were all worn out, but she finally looked a tiny bit better and could hold down a little bit of eggs. Thank goodness that was finally coming to an end.  Yeah.......we do have two dogs, don't we? 
It was a virus.

Boo, unbelievably was sicker than Molly was, the buckets and paper towels came back out immediately. We called the veterinary clinic who might be rethinking taking on new patients, they said Imodium for the diarrhea and if he's not better by Friday bring him in. When he wasn't busy puking he pooped right past the Imodium, the not being able to make it to the door was totally freaking him out. Molly is cut from a much different cloth, if she was a person she'd be sitting on the couch reading Star Magazine and as you passed by she'd lower her paper and say something like "hey, just wanted to let you know I shit all over the den, could you be a doll and clean it up? Thanks! I really owe you one" and go back to reading. Reuben on the other hand would be wearing a black veil and wailing out his penance. I thought it would never end, but last night he finally stopped exploding from both ends and this morning he's started eating a little. Molly is eating better, but neither are great at this point so it looks like a food sale all over the house. There's a plate of eggs, cheese and rice, a bowl of kibble, a bowl with super expensive wet dog food, everyone has had a chicken patty today so we seem to be on the mend. And for once, Bob the Barfing Cat has been the only one that has not barfed once.  Guess they stole her thunder. 

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

You can even make an interesting story out of dogs with the drizzling shits.