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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day

So, my older son Adam let us know yesterday that he had been mugged. He'd been walking home from the bar and was held at knife point, the asshole took his phone, his keys, his wallet, he hit him in the face. Adam is ok physically, but now we deal with all the other crap that comes with this. He couldn't get into his apartment because his keys had been taken, his landlord let him in and that will be taken care of later. The police are very short handed and will be by eventually to get a report. He can't go to the police station because all of his money was taken, his bank is not local and we can't even wire him money because he has no ID to prove who he is. He sold his car a few months ago and got a bike - the transportation system is so good down there the car was just sitting  for weeks on end. But now the bike remains locked, the key to it was on his key ring. A neighbor lent him a phone to use so he was able to get his phone shut off, his debit card cancelled and new one will be coming. We'll be direct depositing some cash for him so he'll have something until the bank gets it straightened out. I'm assuming the guy took his keys because he assumed Adam had a car, but the bike is most likely gone too.
As a parent this is one of the most upsetting things - I know he's an adult in his 30's, that he was not physically hurt - but it's hard not to be able to do anything more than be there and offer what little help and advice we can. We can see and speak to him through Messenger thank goodness, but I'm sure he's getting tired of us contacting him every 15 minutes - did you shut off your phone? Is the landlord going to change the locks? Can you get a new ID at the DMV? Are you ok? What can I do, what can I do? He does have a game plan, he'll be taking tomorrow off and getting his phone cancelled, will go the DMV for a new ID, the debit card should be on it's way, we will get through this. 

And as upset as we are, we are also very, very grateful. This could have been so much worse, couldn't it? So, I'll take what I can from this - the debit card, the phone, even the bike will be replaced eventually - it will be annoying and frustrating at times since we all know nothing goes smoothly in this kingdom. I'm sure he'll be much more aware of his surroundings, David and I will most likely bury him in a pile of mace. But as upsetting as this is - I'm glad it's only objects that were lost.
Happy Mother's Day. 

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