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Saturday, June 23, 2018

If You Can't Stand The Heat......... can get out of the kitchen of course. But if you're me you'll whine endlessly and announce the temperature every chance you get. You'd think moving into a two story cement block house it would cooler, wouldn't you? I mean, it's almost like a cave sort of thing or one of those subterranean houses they used to build in the70's that were supposed to be super energy efficient (they were not by the way, they were very dampish and dim, perfect if you were mutated from mushrooms). But it is not - it's like living in a kiln, the sun hits it and it just starts warming up. And up. And up. By 7am it was about 76 in here and that was before the sun was fully up.

Molly did NOT appreciate it at all. 

Fans will only take you so far and then they just start blowing the hot air around. The idea of cooking or doing anything that will add more heat just is a big no.You do NOT get used to it. But we have an air conditioning unit and a new furnace downstairs which will be hooked up when the flip house is done. Which isn't done. Not done = no airconditioning. And we were going to hang in there which we did until the real heat hit. Yuck.

So David broke down and I came home to him unboxing a window unit, seriously - have you heard the phrase "Jesus wept"? That was me. Of course it didn't go in the window easily, the opening was about 1/100th of an inch too small but David figured it and got it in. It was like watching a miracle. For about half an hour we all sat in front of it like a flying saucer had just landed in the front yard, it works great between the small unit in the bedroom and we've shut off the sun rooms for now. Upstairs is VERY special, if you ever need a confession let me know - you can borrow the bedroom upstairs and whoever it is will be singing like a canary in no time. Since this is a temporary situation I've hung a blanket at the bottom of the stairs and it works well. When I worked in WV a lot of families do this during the winter and summer - it's a cheap way to block off the part of the house you're not using and conserve energy. Not too pretty but very effective. And since it's a temporary situation - I don't care one bit how backwoods it looks. The flip house is taking longer than expected but David figures the second week in July it will  be ready to roll. After that he will go back to working on this house - and then it's decision time!

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