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Monday, June 1, 2020

The Story Of Us

I met you in 2013, January. Our Pearl had recently passed and weren't looking for another dog, but Matt sent us your picture and we fell in love. David drove out to Ohio to get you, Stephanie and Justin had fostered you, they told us you'd been neglected and had never lived inside - you still had a lot of social issues and they were not sure how you'd react to our cats. You loved David immediately, on the long drive to home you rested your head on his shoulder - that adoration lasted for 7 years. My first memory is Reuben happily dancing around so excited for his new friend while you stood head down and shaking, you had no idea what to do. It took awhile to adjust and things that needed to be learned - no revenge pooping if we didn't get up fast enough to your liking, no eating the cat or eating straight out of the dog foodbag - which by the way you did up to the end, I would see you munching away unapologetically if I didn't close the bag. For a while you refused to listen to me - one day you took off across the street with me yelling to come back - circling around Ed's house with Rueben thinking this was the best game ever. I had to make some poor man sit in his truck while I chased you around the street  with Reuben trailing behind me like a jet stream- he did not seem to mind though and I'm sure we were an amusing story over dinner that night. 

But every day things got better- Reuben was the best friend from day one, you grew to love the cat in a non-culinary way. You became so brave I could walk you off leash in the park - and how much I loved you. We ended up giving you your own pillow in the bed,a constant companion. At night after dinner while I sat on the couch and knitted your favorite thing to do was to lay with your head pressed against my leg or your head in my lap - as long as we were together you were alright. You loved being hugged, kissed and petted endlessly - you were the bellyrub champion and we saw that pink belly quite often! But Molly, you were not perfect - you would bark if breakfast was not served in what you believed was a timely manner(when your eyes opened). You were a Poo-connoisseur of the best kind and managed to roll in cat, deer, cow and even bear poo - we had to ride home with the windows down that day, you were so proud of yourself. You didn't like David talking on the phone if he was supposed to be playing with you, so you'd bark and howl til David would shut himself in another room, brat. You occasionally tore things up, but overall you were the best. Reuben and you were so close from day one, for seven and a half years you have never been apart - I have no idea what he will do without you.
Friday you were fine. 

I will not go into the details again but from Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon was nightmarish - I am still trying to figure out how. How could you go from being Molly to being in such distress? The pain medication did not work, you started vomiting bile and I could tell you had a GI bleed somewhere. We tried so hard to hang on but as I was washing you off so gently  I could tell you could not go on any further. Your face was so strained, you could no longer stand, my heart just clenched in my chest. The vet was so sweet with you - and us. We had to wear masks but no one even suggested to stay in the car, for that I will be forever grateful. The vet gave you a dose of anesthesia first and within a few minutes your face!, your face relaxed back into my beloved Molly. The pain was gone and you put your head on your paws, just like you always do when you're dreaming. I knew right then this was the right decision no matter how badly I wanted to bundle you up and take you home. Home, with me - the person who loved you beyond measure. David and I spoke to you, David told you would always be his girl, we kissed you goodbye. The vet came back and as we held you she put you to sleep. A day and a half Molly, not even two days and you are gone from us. And here we are, reeling with the swiftness that you left. I hope you are running the gamelands waiting for your beloved Rueben to join you in the chase - I miss you so much Molly. 

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