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Sunday, October 21, 2018

Assembly Required

We bought Ikea furniture for the bedroom last year and there was one nightstand that we didn't put together. It's been sitting in the back of the closet and honestly, it annoys me. So today I figured I'd do it. Step One was battling the cat who likes to sleep on an old pillow in the closet. I took Bob out and put her on the bed so I could get to it, every time I turned around she was back. I finally piled the pieces on her pillow and dragged the pillow out. Next was finding the directions.......which were No Where. Of course. Thank goodness for You Tube! 

Just an FYI- you ever buy Ikea every single product they make has a YouTube Video (actually, that's pretty much true of everything these days, isn't it? If you want to know how to Dismember An Ex I sure there's a video of it, but I digress). I started off with The Ikea Hunk and then ended up with a Plain Jane version which was the manual pages, then they would do a Twirling Of The Bits, then demonstrate. So I separated the bits, then had to find the tools which was the hardest part. Since the house is underconstruction they are EVERYWHERE

Some less accessible than others - for the hammer and the drill there was some precarious stepping across joists and then back again. Then down to the basement to rummage about the floor for pliers. SO I had everything together and started. Ikea is one of those things, once you get the hang of it it's not as hard as it looks, it's just getting the hang of it. I love Youtube because you can stop, go back, etc....

I have  an embarrassingly huge tablet - it's a Samsung with a 19 inch screen (my favorite toy of all time I might add!) so I had that set up on the bed so I could see it.
Molly refused to get off the bed invoking the She Was There First Rule, I told her to get off but she squeezed herself in between the parts and hunkered down. So  I spent part of the time feeling around under her for the parts, not helping!
I was pretty proud of myself, it started to look like a real piece of furniture! I did have a couple of stops, I put the feet on the wrong end and then had to take them out. One of the things with Ikea is they are not meant to come apart so I had to carefully pry it out without breaking anything. But the video I had on was really clear which I loved. 
Drawers were next and by the time I hit this part I was an Old Pro
And then - Ta Da! Finished product. It was not as hard as I thought it was going to be and I glad it's done, despite the antics of Molly and Bob. 

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