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Monday, November 26, 2018

Run Around You.

So, as we all know I've been having tons of problems with my weight. I don't know if it's my age, going through menopause, my sedentary job - but at the end of the day none of that matters. I've been on multiple diets, exercise, yada yada yada - would work for awhile, then stop, then I get discouraged, stop exercising, start eating too much again, wash, rinse repeat. The end result is I now weigh more than I ever had in my entire life. How much do I weigh? I'll let you know later. 

I decided I would join a gym - I worked out for years prior to this job and always kept my weight down - and I could have the time if I wanted to.  The biggest problems I had to overcome is time and distance because nothing is close here. I did a mapquest first to see what's around and ruled out a variety for too far, too expense (Fitcross was almost $200 a month but included towels. For $200 a month there had better be someone to dry my hair!). One looked like an assembly of everyone's old basement equipment, on and on. So I narrowed down my search to 3 gyms, 2 of which were near my office, those I visited first. One was way too small, I walked through the first room....and was out of it. But it was cheap and no contract.The second was Glittery and Swanky - it was in a huge black glass building and it was huge! Pilates, Zumba, juice bar, gym staff. The price was reasonable and it was right around the corner. But no, it was way too big.

The 3rd one....was just right. I like the idea of classes but don't have that kind of time, but this gym does offer some if I want it. The equipment is just the way I like it, half machines and half free weights, clean. You get a fob so you can go anytime you want so I can go before work. I took a week to think about it and then joined the 3rd one. I was not crazy about having to commit for a year, but the trade off is this gym is a chain and after the first month you can go to any facility which really works for me as there is one here in Waynesburg and one up by my office. I've gone about 4 times and feel better already. Hopefully this will be the answer I've been looking for.

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