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Sunday, December 9, 2018

So Far So Good

The trip here was good - not sure if it was just a good flight or we're getting used to this routine. The only bump in the road was my phone - I had set my alarm for 1:30am to make sure we had time - isn't that crazy for a 6 am flight? But we have to get up and dressed, it's about an hour to the airport, drop off the  car at Globe Parking (that is the only place we park!) then arrive two hours prior to the flight so 1:30am it is. Right before I went to bed I checked my phone and went to respond to a text - it was stuck in No Service, Emergency calls only mode. ARRGH! It's done this before so that meant scouring the internet to remember how to get it out. The last time this happened I just took the battery out but this phone has a non removable battery of course. After about 45 minutes I gave it up, I needed to get to sleep and nothing was working. At first I couldn't sleep because it stressed me out so badly - but David has a phone and it was not the end of the world so I gave it up and feel asleep.
The Phone Fairies fixed it. 
We dropped the car off at Globe Parking and yes this is shout out to them - they get your luggage out of the car for you, completely fast and efficient, they even have oil change, car cleaning services for while you're gone, drive you to the airport and drop you off at your gate. When we get home they pick up and in the winter your car is warmed up and waiting for you - plus they're much cheaper than parking at the airport, can't beat that, can you?

The only great thing about having to get there two hours is it gives you tons of time to drink coffee. The first flight was short but fun, the plane was only half full, David and I were sitting in separate aisles - I was going to ask him to sit with me but he was already deep in his book so we both enjoyed a full row of seats. The next flight was full and very long, almost 5 hours. But I had my knitting, David had his Robert B. Parker books to keep him entertained, it was relaxing. We arrived with about an hour before the shuttle came - we don't rent a car because most of the time we're with the family and we are welcome to borrow a vehicle. It's a two hour plus ride even with the shuttle, but it's a very pleasant one. The ferry ride is the best, the lake we cross is huge and breathtaking,and of course there's coffee. The drop off is about 20 minutes from Jackson and Brandi's house, the girls were napping when we got here but it gave us time to get settled in and to see Jackson and Brandi. The best part now  is they both remember us - we video chat with them quite often too. But they came running in yelling Nana and Papa to give big hugs and kisses, worth every mile we had to fly. We're seeing Kim and Stephen tomorrow, they're driving up from Oregon and we'll spend the day with them, family and best friends - you can't ask for more,
can you?

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