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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Banned Camp

The First Amendment has been taking a beating lately, hasn't it? People seem to misunderstand the difference between "freedom of speech" and "sedition", "racism", "hate speech", etc..... You get the idea. It's become such a muddle, I sincerely doubt that back in December of 1791 our forefathers could have envisioned the right to speak one's opinion could have lead to Twitter, Facebook or January 6th. But like gun control, abortion, Trans, CIS and Binary no one seems to know what to do anymore. First there was no limits on social media platforms, you could pretty much freely chat about bombs, hate crimes, cyber bully with out any repercussions - that was not good, no sir. 
But now. 

So to be fair I have been banned Four times in the past year and a half. The first one I will take but it was related to a meme that I had posted (which I thought was funny) (I still think it's funny, sorry not sorry). The weird thing was it had been posted a year and half prior, then suddenly it was taken down by the Facebook Puritans and I was sent to FB jail for a week. I'm kind of guessing someone noticed it and reported it? But I had shared it from someone else's page, not sure if everyone gets in trouble or just me.  So there is that one. 

The last 3 were just bizarre. Last year on my 60th birthday an old classmate jokingly called me an Old Lady, I shot back I'd hit him with my cane. A week in the Pokey for threatening someone with violence. Oh and with FB don't try to argue - you'll get absolutely nowhere. It has a page that comes up if you disagree, you disagree and it instantly tells you you're wrong, go sit on your cyber bunk. The most recent was I am on a Mid-century modern page which is where I get some of my decorating inspiration from. This house was built in 1938 and quite a few on this site have the real wood paneling, etc that I do. Someone shared a video of an update in which the couple PAINTED  over their turn of the century woodwork - it was henious. So I posted a picture of my living room and made the comment I would "shoot anyone who painted over my livingroom". Yup. Apparently on FB you can not make terroristic threats to anyone decorating badly. 3 days in the hoose gow and a month on restriction. I have no idea what the restriction is - it moves my posts in groups lower??? what is that?? - just every time I'm on I get a stern message reminding me I'm being punished. 

The last one was on Reddit - let me stop and tell you here I LOVE AITA (Am I The Asshole)in which people tell their tale and you can write your opinion. It's like group participation in Dear Abby, one of my top ten time wasters actually. But like all of the internet there are trolls and I got caught by one. The troll started by trying to get me to argue, I wouldn't and then told them if they wanted to debate to go on Facebook - that was not what landed me in hot water. I called them a Karen and that is, believe it or not one of the number one reasons to get a 2 week gag order. Yup, you can look but for two weeks you cannot post. And the crappy thing is you don't get punished unless someone reports you. Like a Troll. Lesson learned. They didn't care the troll had been baiting me, I was the one that uttered the Karen so I got the cyber spanking. Bastards. And I don't know about you but it feels like we went from Do What Ever You Want to Here's Your Scarlet Letter in a heartbeat. 


1 comment:

Donna. W said...

My goodness, you rebel! I've never been banned or spent time in Facebook jail, but judging from the things that got you in trouble, I should have been.