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Friday, December 23, 2022

Great Galloping Gallstones

First off I can't believe it's been since AUGUST since my last post - I'll try to do better. I tend to blog in my head, but I guess getting it from point A to point B can be the sticking point. December has been unkind, for the first time in my entire life I had the Flu. It was bad enough to stay home and work but I can work from home - so I did. I didn't use any sick time at all and only had to reschedule one visit so I was pretty pleased. Last week I went to the office on Monday and worked the whole day - I had taken some vacation for when the girls were here  with  all sorts of Christmas stuff planned.  That night however - I thought I had heartburn, I didn't eat anything weird, hmm. I could not get comfortable, it got worse - I sent David upstairs as I was up and down, up and down. At 2am I took a turn for the worse (worser?) and commenced puking.  David got up and took me to the ER around 3am.  I saw the triage nurse and then went back to sit, 2 hours later I asked if I would be seen, the woman at the desk was very apologetic, the back was full and not moving.
We left at 6:30 am. 

At 11 am David packed me up again to Kaiser Urgent care, we were seen pretty quickly. They drew blood and ran an IV for dehydration, my labs came back normal but the MD noted my white count was very high. He thought it might be  a virus and said if I wanted they could do a CT to rule out anything , I said yes and then changed my mind while waiting. Take me home, but David said no, just do this one thing and then I'll take you. I waited, asked to go home 14 more times, had the scan and then back because the MD wanted me to wait just in case. When they said an hour - I honestly Could Not. The MD said I could go and he would call if anything came of it. We were a mile from home when my phone rang  telling me to go right back to the ER. Can I do it in the morning? No, I needed to come back now. We ran home, I packed a backpack, let the dogs out and back we went. I got settled in the ER - David had packed me a pillow and blanket and then I sent him home. I knew nothing would happen that night and he was beyond exhausted. I was given a room in the ER - my gallbladder was extremely infected and swollen, the reason I had to come back was it was close to perforation. Yeeha. They were so nice - I had pjs and slippers to change into which made all the difference in the world. I ran fevers, they ran antibiotics - I could not seem to retain that I'd be having surgery as soon as I was afebrile. I was surprised every single time - after the 4rth time they just stopped telling me. I went straight from the ER to surgery at 8:30am

Surgery went smoothly and at 2pm I was discharged to home, it was laproscopic so I had 5 incisions. Of course complicating things was I still had a nasty cough from the flu so that was really fun. David went to pick up the girls on Friday - and no, we didn't want to cancel. David is fully able to care for them and I was able to do some quiet activities with them - I just have to take frequent breaks. I've used up all the sick time I didn't use when I had the flu, I feel like it's been years since I've been to work! But I am getting better and so glad it was not was worse! And very glad David insisted on the CT scan instead of going home like I wanted. 


1 comment:

Donna. W said...

Good grief! You have had a time for sure!