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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Winding Down

Ah, my favorite and most prolific subject - moving. Because we do it so well. However, this is going to be the Move Of All Moves because we are going clear across the country, this time into very unknown territory. It's both nerve-wracking and exciting - packing has taken on a whole new meaning. We're getting to the point where the house is pretty emptied out, we either sit on the couch or on the bed, back and forth, back and forth. The dining room holds nothing but a few items and some boxes, most of the kitchen cabinets are empty. I donated what we are not going to eat to the local food pantry, it wasn't too bad. I wish we had packed more in the moving van.

My last day of work is next Wednesday - 7 days! That came up so fast. I'm finishing up doctor's appointments, we are plotting our course, what are we taking, what are we leaving. We'll have no internet for a little while or even phone service. David had scheduled with one company but it turned out to be the wrong one. Then he wrote t he right one on a scrap of cardboard which of course has disappeared, arrgh! So, no phone, no tv, no internet which we all know how much I love that. I'll survive. David is busy selling off some things that we won't be taking, sometimes you have to look at things to decide if it's worth dragging around or would it be cheaper just to get rid of it and then rebuy it at the other end. And then there's the other problem. 

I had wanted to pack more in the van, but at $300 a foot David decided we didn't need to, telling me that there was plenty of room on our 16 foot trailer which will be mainly holding the metal roofing. And it is true there is plenty of room - but he forgot about the weight limit. So I can fit about ten more bins on it as long as the combined weight is.........45 pounds. Yup. That will work. Not. Ugh. Then he was like, well, maybe we won't ship your car, we can take separate vehicles and we can pack your car. I pointed out that meant we would both be driving the ENTIRE journey with no breaks and any money we saved from not shipping the car would be eaten up in tolls, gas, extra lodging and meals since we would now need to take an extra couple of days. So we are back to Plan A and we'll have to figure out the rest as we go along. I don't know what I'm more eager for - this to begin or to be over.

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