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Friday, November 22, 2019

The Finishing Touch

We are finally at the point where the floors can be done - they actually could have been done awhile ago but we've been putting it off due to the PITA factor. (Pain In The Ass). The main bedroom on the first floor we will be carpeting and then the stairs and part of the main floor will be carpet due to the severe damage to the floors but the den, kitchen and dining room need to be done.. We got a floor finisher that was coming around 9:30 -10 this morning and David would be dropping the dogs off at the kennel due to all the chemicals and plus you can't walk on the floors til they are dry.. i had decided to drive out to Vancouver for part of the day as there would not be much to do, .I'd go around 10 when everything was open and do some of the shopping, check out a yarn shop, etc...

We were sitting in bed drinking coffee and skimming Facebook, dogs were snoozing, Bob was spooning.....and David went flying out of bed like his hair was on fire and started running around the house - I queried why the sudden change of pace and he yelled IT'S  AFTER SIX OCLOCK. Apparently there had been an undisclosed change of plans and the floor guy was coming before 8am.  It was 6:30, I hopped in the shower while David started piling furniture in the kitchen, he was not going to have enough time to drive Frick and Frack to doggie daycare so I got recruited and at 6:45 am I was on my way to Longview.  Their was no point in coming back so I went on to Vancouver - Newsflash - there is not a whole hell of a lot to do in Vancouver at 8:20am but I found a Trader Joe's and got some shopping done. The cashier brightly asked me how my day was going - he's lucky biting is not publicly acceptable.  I drove over to the mall and sat in my car and read for half an hour or so, then they opened. I stopped by a few stores but didn't really buy anything, it's too close to the holidays for the good sales to be starting. Over to Costco to wait on line for gas - it's 50 cents less a gallon so yes, it's worth the wait, finished shopping and then off to the yarn store. 

It was a very decent one, good prices - I will be back. I started to meander my way back and saw a sign for an alpaca farm so off I went  - it was further than I thought it would be. She had some stuff I can buy anywhere but the alpaca was lovely, most of it was too thick for me to use but I did buy one small hand spun skein because it was so cool and it smelled so good. Back to home where the floors were getting done, he has one more day so we're all parked in the bedroom, Molly and Rueben have to spend another day at the doggie daycare but I don't think they really mind it so much. What's been done so far looks very good and its only one more day, but I cannot wait for it to be done. 


Donna. W said...

I believe I've enjoyed your blog more that ever before, reading about your adventures with this house. I got some morning smiles out of the way you phrase things. In fact, I'm still smiling as I type this. Tell Frick and Frack I sent them an imaginary pat on the head and a couple of dog treats.

Julia said...

Thank you Donna