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Sunday, March 8, 2020

No Rest For The Wicked.

So. Last night. We have someone building a house past ours, from what the neighbors have told us they have teenagers. They started breaking ground last week so there's a portapotty there now too -  they lived here prior but the house burned down and they are re-building. The trucks are going to be a bit of  traffic but it's not forever. Around 11 pm last night we were jolted out of bed by gunfire and not one or two shots fired. About half an hour of it, the dogs of course went crazy, David flipped on the lights - arrgh!! Then the music started and so forth, I'm pretty sure it was thier kids. And honestly, the music and the laughter was pretty faint, it was not that big of a deal( I think the addition of the portapotty has made it an excellent party place for now). But I was up now, wasn't I? One thing I'm not good at is insomnia, it makes me dramatic and maudlin, once I get woken out of a deep sleep it's hard for me to go back to sleep.

11:30pm - up and to the bathroom, peeked out the window to see if anyone was within shoe throwing range. 
11:40 - reading a book, trying to shove Rueben off my pillow as we are apparently sharing it since he's up too. Glaring does no good as it just inspires big sneakykisses.
11;45pm - back to the bathroom for water since I'm now thirsty. 
Midnight - upstairs to the guest room since my flipping around, sighing, getting up to get a drink of water, reading, and wrestling with Rueben is disturbing others. 
12:15am - Bob has spotted me and hops up on the bed marching around and purring, headbumping and purring hard since I'm now forced to pet her.
12:40am - reading again, then downstairs to the bathroom since I drank all that  water. Bob follows me down the stairs and then up, I shove her under the covers to make her stop pestering me. 
1am - the dogs have just realized I'm upstairs and come clattering up, making sure they walk all over the hardwood with thier clicky nails. The guest room bed is very high and it's not easy for them to jump up on it, I'm besieged with tiny, staring dog eyes as they try to figure out how to get up. Molly is thinking about howling at me. I suggest they go back downstairs. 

1:15am - Rueben and Molly return, Rueben is taller and able to launch himself sucessfully onto the bed causing Bob to flee and me to curl into a fetal position - who needs two kidneys anyhow? He and Molly get into it since she can't get on the bed and I'm not getting up to help her. She finally gives it up and leaves in a huff. Rueben gives me a facewashing despite protest, flips over on his back, head on my shoulder and commences snoring in a victorious sort of way. 
1:17am - back to reading. At some point I do manage to fall asleep.
4:30am - Molly finally decides enough is enough and comes flying on the bed in Not Conducive To Sleep sort of a  way, but she does avoid landing directly on me so that is a bonus. 
5:45am - I actuallys sleep but I'm done, I trudge downstairs with all my roommates dancing around since you know, I'm up and all. 

 After a massive amount of coffee and I did get some sleep I'm a little off but ok. David said he did hear a pick up truck come roaring down and then back -after the shooting stopped so hopefully that was one of the parents making them stop. And hopefully this will not be a recurring problem - I don't have any issues with target practice but I do have a problem with them doing it in the middle of the night. 

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