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Friday, September 18, 2020

Lost And Not Found

Ugh. One of the things about moving repeatedly is every move you ALWAYS lose something you need. You think you packed it away carefully but no, sadly, you didn't. Whatever it is it's most likely laying on the bottom of a bin which is mismarked Important Papers and shoved somewhere you can't see it. In the past month I've been pulling out boxes and riffling through them, some of them over and over again. We have some attic stuff (but no attic) - things that belong to Jackson and Adam, family things, etc... I had the lion's share unpacked, sorted and either put away or gave away  but what remains is annoying. There are a number of empty plastic bins that look like there's something in it so we don't lose the lid. Other things have been put  in bins but we never changed what it said - since we move around quite often we have a lot of big, plastic bins we use over and over again. And then we consolidate as we go along and that really throws a wrench in things! 

I've found a lot of my things, my wireless headphones were in the bottom of a box full of medical coding books, pots and pans in a bin way in the back. I had drastically downsized my knitting and found almost all of it over the past 3 months.......except for 3 sets of sock needles. 😦. I'm sure if you know me that you also know I have a very large collection of all sorts of needles - but there are three facts about these that I'm looking for -
They are bent in the middle 
They are VERY small
They are VERY expensive.
I bought them before I left and packed them carefully so I'd have them when I got here, I've never used this type of needle before and the way things are going, I probably never will. 

So, where to start? I went to the loft in our garage which the stairs are blocked off to prevent Ruebin from going up. He likes to do that but it's steep so he can't get back down which means he has to bark his fool head off until David goes up to get him. I waded through tools, attic stuff, Christmas decorations, found my Lily bags!, grandma's mink stole (that is now hanging in my closet), no needles. I headed down to the basement the next day and that was a chore. The box marked Important Papers has a pillow with half naked cowboys cavorting around on it, a platter with a duck, 2 empty wine bottles and a hat to give you and idea of the incredible system we use. In the event of a nuclear holocaust we are not your go to people trust me. I started at the back and unpacked EVERY SINGLE BOX AND BIN. Found my other  headphones, a book I'd been looking for, a pair of shoes, no needles. Then upstairs to the bins in the closet there, unpacked them, emptied every knitting bag I own - nope. So I've decided to invoke Murphy's Law as you know the best way to find something is to pay for a new one. The old one will usually show up on the same day. I'll let you know what happens!


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