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Friday, September 25, 2020

Shoot me now.

This has been a long haul, hasn't it? Do not ever get bit by a wild animal, the attack takes moments, the aftermath just goes on and on. I am very sore. The bite on my thigh where it really clamped on and caused a lot of soft tissue injury is now black, blue, red, purple and continues to leak - I'm guessing it's due to the depth and according to the doctor I saw today it's also infectioned. My other leg actually has about a dozen puntures ranging from very small to sorta big, not to mention the claw marks parading up the sides. I had posted the pictures on the local community bulletin board to see if anyone could identify what type of animal it was and general consensus is what I originally thought - raccoon. Despite thier cute trash panda persona they're also known as fierce, aggressive and relentless. Other suggestions have been
honey badger
a very short vampire

The multiple injections I've had along with pulling various muscles adds in to the fun and I'm just tired in general. But last night I slept finally! really slept and I'm taking tylenol for the pain, I feel a bit better today. After I got done with the ER I had to make an appointment for the rest of the injections  - ugh. Calling to make a set appointment for  3 days specifically  is a nightmare around here, trying to do it after getting out of the ER makes it worse. You don't call the clinic itself, you call the Scheduling Department (which is about 100 miles away),they look at the schedule and put in for the next available appointment - which works well for things like physicals and evals. I will admit part of the problem is I was not thinking clearly so what the woman was trying to tell me was not getting through. However, the bigger part of the problem was the genius on the other end was trying to make a video appointment for me. For an injection. At the end of the month. Then told me I was being difficult. This went on for about 20 minutes until she said well, maybe I'll transfer you back to the ER and MAYBE THEY CAN HELP YOU. I told her that would be fine which further annoyed her but she did it. The doctor in the ER got right on the phone with me and 5 minutes later I had an appointment for today,

My appointment was for 9:30 and I was all set to drive myself. David took one look at me back in bed again and said maybe for this one he would drive me. Off we went. Got there, in a room, assessed by the nurse, then.......sat. And sat. After an hour the doctor came in apologizing as they are running behind, I completely understand that and was relieved to get started. She proscribed another week of antibiotics for the infected bite, then went off to order the injection and get the camera for pictures of the wounds. I waited.....and waited.....about 40 minutes later the MA came in, took pictures and then down to the lobby I could wait for the nurse to call me to actually get the shot. Two hours after I arrived I finally left, my poor leg was throbbing by then as I cannot sit on hard surfaces for long as it aggravates it. David had forgotten his phone so I was not able to call him, I felt terrible he'd had to sit in the car for over two hours, but I was done, finally

We put on our seat belts.......and the car wouldn't start. 

Thank goodness for AAA! My battery had died and the bolt that holds it on was so corroded he couldn't get it off. But we were only a mile from the shop so he jumped the car, we followed him back to the shop and about 20 minutes later we were on our way home for real.The next two shots will not be as bad - one of the things that took the Dr. so long is rabies vaccines need to be registered with the state or something, that was part of the hold up. Rueben is better today too, the swelling on his back leg is almost gone and he has full use of it again. Kim and Steve stopped by yesterday and brought pizza for lunch, I've been doing Noom for about 6 months and have not had any pizza so it was a fun treat. But on the upside I've lost over 30 pounds - 30 more to go! David has been great through all of this, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate him. 


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