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Sunday, December 27, 2020

Busy Bees.

So the past 3 weeks have been busy busy! Our Bee is a great joy to us of course, a lot of work she is but so nice to have a dog back in the house. We had planned previously on having the girls here for the week - had not thought the 2 four year olds and a puppy thing out. Hmm. I picked them up on Saturday morning, they were great on the way back and ran around over the top excited for the first few hours. The first day was rough - Bee was jumping and biting, the girls were shrieking, which made Bee crazier....ARRGH. But by the next afternoon everyone was better. The harder parts were keeping all the little toys from Bee, teaching the girls not to feed her.... but we got it done. C and D are very fun this year - both are super into arts and crafts so it was a Crafty Christmas!

We did cookie baking and you can do that sucessfully with preschoolers - the secret is to have everything out at once - if you turn your back on them to get the flour they'll polish off a full bottle of sprinkles before you can say STOP and knock everything on the floor. Use cups to cut out the cookies - they seriously do NOT expect to be doing reindeer and santas and it's too hard for them, a circle is very do-able. We did a simple sugar cookie dough with colored sugar and sprinkles, it went very well. We also did a construction paper chains, we made lions with glue on googly eyes, played Candy Land in which they shamelessly cheat, declared themselves the winner and leave. We went to a playground in town where we were the only people in the park - it was like playing in Cherobyl but they had a full 45 minutes of running around. The neighbor stopped by one day on his tractor, D was devestated when no one got a ride but Poppop saved the day by pulling out the lawn tractor and they rode down to Mr. Sam's to visit the cows and horses. 

Brandy arrived on Christmas Eve - they were very excited to see her after almost a week apart from her. Kim and Steve arrived along with Celia, Gabe and then there were four dogs in the house! Bee was having a great time romping with a crew of tiny dogs and yes, we did observe COVID guidelines, we were less than ten, two households. I broke out the china - I have a full set of Noritake circa 1961 in the sputnik design and we had a wonderful dinner. Celie and Gabe have never seen the house so they got the Grand Tour, we had a big ham and a tofurky roast - it felt like a real holiday.  The next morning it was  mayhem - C &  D are at that age and it only took about 10 minutes for the living room to turn into a sea of wrapping paper and toys, with occasional  chasing Bee to get back contaband. I made lasanga for dinner since we'd done the Christmas ham the previous day and then it was bath time. 
It was a good day.
Saturday early afternoon they packed up and left since we all have to go back to work on Monday. 

During this Bee developed diarrhea - we spoke to the vet on Saturday and gave Bee Pepto to see if it would help - it did a little but she continues to have bouts of it so she will see the vet tomorrow. It's been exhausting, she does not want to go in the house so we are up and down with her throughout the night. She's still eating,drinking and playing so hopefully it will be something that passes soon. So, but aside from that its been a wonderful week and holiday - such a relief after all that's happened   this year. 


1 comment:

Donna. W said...

Puppies seem to get stomach troubles easily. When we first bought Gabe home, he puked a lot. I think the problem was that he eats so fast; when I bought a puzzle bowl to slow him down, he vomited less frequently, with only occasional upchucking. By the time he was a year old, he was find. Now he goes on car rides with us and doesn't get sick at all, at home or in the car. I'm glad you got another dog. Nothing is quite right when I don't have a dog, even though Gabe is a pain in the ass at times.