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Saturday, February 29, 2020

In It For The Long Haul

Our bazillionth anniversary is coming up in a few weeks - not sure but I know we're coming up on the 40th mark in the next couple of years. When you tell people that you're with the same person you met at  19 you get looked at like you just pulled a unicorn out of your ass or something. It DOES still happen - my sister and her wife are coming up on 30 years, John and his wife Carleen are coming up on the big 30,Kim and Steve were married the year before us, it is possible. Most people will follow up the unicorn-out-of-your-ass-look by wondering aloud how you could stay with the same person for that long. It's not easy - but the interesting thing is you aren't staying with the same person, everyone changes over the years and the trick is not so much staying as it is adjusting. Because we all change, don't we? I was a cake decorator, David was a lobster fisherman. I opened scallops, he cleaned a school. He was a landscaper, I was a CNA at a nursing home, I was a student, he did shingles. I became an RN, he became a houseflipper. We had two kids six years apart which was interesting because they were only children for a period of time - Adam for the first 6 years, Jackson for the last 6 years. We have been through cats, dogs, been broke, been solid, cars, boats, houses, floods, jobs. 

But it's fun too. The other morning David was complaining about his insomnia AGAIN, so I told him to tell the doctor not me and as usual he told me he would kill me if I said that one more time. This lead to a somewhat lengthy discussion as to who would win in a hand to hand combat fight to death using the household item of our choice. He said he would use the big knife from the block in the kitchen but I said I'd use the extra large frying pan (it's not heavy but I thought it would cover a lot of ground) so it would be super hard to get close enough to stab me repeatedly. And yes, this was an actual conversation, not the first and certainly not the last. We do tend to laugh hysterically at the same things - the dog having toxic gas, bad haircuts, you know the stuff. We support each other - sometime assuring the other one it's ok to feel like that or to take the day off - you do know it, but sometimes it helps to have someone else say it out loud, doesn't it?

We do bicker and argue, cries of You Don't Appreciate Me! are occasionally voiced but for the most part we have down pat. We deepclean the house together every week or so - David does the lawn mowing, the dishes, house repairs. I tend to be in charge of the electronics - he can but some of it is just hard. We have ereaders and I'm in charge of Book Selection, buying and downloading - since I'm a voracious reader I know all the authors and it's easier for me to pick out David's next reading adventure. And no I don't mind because it doubles the books for me to read. He's currently addicted to David Baldacci who writes military spy government secret mission for the president books, it's nice to have a hobby you can share. And we support each other in the ones we don't - I knit, David hunts. We like the quiet, we live rural and we're both in agreement about that. 
We've had a good run, haven't we?

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