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Saturday, February 8, 2020

Start To Finish

The fun thing about Facebook is the cat and dog videos, the memes, so cute puppies and kittens! But then there's the other side - the lost, the abandoned, the abused. I think what really breaks my heart the most though is the senior dogs and cats left to fend for themselves or given up to shelters because they're work now, they cost money, they are old. Who the hell are these people?  The idea of walking away as your pet sits watching you go, not fully realizing what is going on....How do they live with themselves? I cannot imagine. 

David and I have always believed that when you adopt an animal its a lifelong commitment - that's not to say we have never rehomed an animal because we could not care for it - we rehomed a dog because it was aggressive towards children, a puppy that just kept getting away from us - but they got new homes, we did not just put them out. And that's ok in my book, not every relationship works out no matter how hard you try and making the decision to find a new and often better home is fulfilling your commitment to keep your charge safe. But everyone else - start to finish. Because your pets make a commitment to you too, don't they? They go out with you, they hunt, hike, walk and just hang out. When you're grieving they are your steadfast friends that absorb all those tears into themselves, sitting patiently while  you hang on to them - my dogs have often been my rock. There have been times in my life when I've grieved so hard I could feel myself coming apart, only to have my dog curl up behind me, laying thier head on shoulder - being strong until I could be again. My cats and dogs have been my companions in strange towns, strange houses, strange places. Exploring the woods and lanes with me - how much more fun with an excited companion!

And I have returned the favor - when Charger's arthritis became so bad the medication no longer worked and we had to have him put down, he had to sleep in the foyer because he could not get up the stairs. I dragged down blankets and spent his last night on earth curled up on the floor with him. Mr. Lee spent her last day before going to Kitty heaven lap sitting, Jackson and I holding her as the vet gently put her to sleep. Copper - we stayed home with him, he spent the day feasting on hotdogs and ice cream, visiting with those he loved and we sent him off with all the love he could take with him. Pearl I have spoken of many times - those two pictures are when we got her and when  we let her go. Molly and Rueben are starting to hit the old folks part of thier lives, Molly is lumps and bumps, Reuben is turning white. They are slowing down a bit, but the nice thing about this breed is they stay silly right up to the end. Molly still wages war with the mop and David, Rueben points the cows. They expect cheese and toast if you're having and we have very much relaxed on some of the rules. To us this is just one more phase of life, different from puppyhood, past thier prime but just as much fun in a different way. They love to snuggle, interested in everything from cleaning the bathroom to getting the mail. Outside is checking the garage everytime because they once smelled something that might have been exciting. It takes them a little longer to get going, we go out to potty more often, long walks often make them stiff the next day, but we love them more everyday. Everyday to them still is an adventure, they leap out of bed each day to greet the day, life is to be lived for them - and I cannot imagine not being along for the whole ride.

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