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Sunday, August 23, 2020

It Was A Fun Visit.

So I'm catching up - Friday was a mixed bag. Poppop had not made anything for dinner or picked up toys, I was beyond beat - 500 miles in two days after a full day of work. He ran up to the store and got a frozen pizza- the toy issue would be dealt with the next day.  The girls ate everything they could get thier hands on and in that area Poppop did not disappoint, he had bought enough snacks to support a sumo wrestling team. Bath time was a mad scramble, we have an olympic sized claw foot tub and they could not wait, I managed to find some passable things to play with, then off to bed with our two exhausted visitors. We have trundle beds  in the room next to ours so we would hear them and the bathroom was close by. Around 1 am Chloe woke up complaining of a tummy ache so she got in bed with me and David went upstairs as it was getting a bit crowded. She started to drift off and just as I fell asleep  she bolted upright and gave a giant barfy belch. It was a bit like a geyser but way not as fun. She panicked and tried to stand, fell in it and  then puked again, managed to get upright, back in it and more barfing. This woke Delilah up so the next 45 minutes was me putting Chloe in the tub as she was covered in vomit, stopping the other one from stripping since it was Bathtime!, changing the bed, starting the wash......C felt better and since they were both up they decided to play with the dog...... Poppop remained in hiding and they both bunked down with me.
That was Day One. 

Saturday Nana went up and bought a bag of toys from the Dollar General where you get a lot of bang for your buck. David loaded Rueben in the car for his vet appointment - I'd considered changing it but it took me 3 weeks to get this one and honestly with the weird cough I thought it was CHF, etc... 
It was not. 
The vet did the exam and she told me later she too thought it was an enlarged heart,CHF, etc - she did an xray though and found large masses by his lungs and heart, one is almost the size of his heart. In an odd way the girls being here was a good thing - you cannot go to pieces in front of two little kids. We did have some private crys but I was so glad to have them to focus on and it gave us time to calm down and think clearly. Our friend and neighbor down at the end of our road had invited us and the girls to visit his farm - yeah they were excited! Sam told us to bring a bucket for apple picking so the first half hour was spent doing that. Sam turned off the fence so they could get right up to it and then called the bull over to feed him apples. They were all about the cows til they got up close, then they were more than happy to let Sam feed him! He was so big - Sam said he weighs about  a thousand pounds. But then we headed to see the horses, the girls were so excited and had no fear of those giants - they fed the horses as many apples as they could hold and pet them. The horses were just wonderful, so gentle with them. It was a good afternoon for everyone

Sunday - Aunt Kim and Uncle Steve came over bringing these cute little navy dresses and the girl's friend Piggles the teeny dog. They're both very good with all animals even though you do have to tell them to be gentle - more from enthusiasm than anything else. We did brunch - the girls enjoyed it and just had a ball with all the people and pets around them. Kim looked at my livingroom and laughed - said she saw I had decided to change my style. The rest of the visit we just played and hung out at the house. With COVID still enforced playgrounds and everything else is still shut down. Monday afternoon we headed to the halfway mark to give them back. They both travel very well and were very happy to see thier mother. The video chatting does make everything easier though, when they wanted to talk to mom we just fired up Alexa and there she was! Looking suspiciously relaxed. Sometimes eating pizza for breakfast. She got most of her paperwork done - we dropped the girls off later so she could finish without them in tow. 

Then back to real life - I took the rest of the week off as I tend to take a day here and there, but not an extended period. My plan was to get things done but I spent most of my time crying over Rueben. I got to speak to the vet and she of course could not tell me what to do but from what she saw - in the event of aggressive treatment (maybe) six months to a year. So we're doing prednisone to slow the growth and keep him comfortable, he's tolerating it well but of course it makes him urinate a lot so we just run home alot. I plan on having another xray in a few weeks to see where we are but at this point - it's just waiting. 

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