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Monday, August 17, 2020

The Elephant In The Room

I have not blogged since July 5th - close to 6 weeks which is a very long time for me. There are times when I don't feel like it or just get too busy - or there's simply nothing to say.  But unfortunately there is too much to say right now and I don't feel like saying it. Molly getting so sick and dying we never saw coming - this? This is a whole other can of worms. I don't think a whole of people read this, but to me it's an running account of everything that has happened in the past - believe or not - almost 20 years. That's how long I've been keeping this online journal, since 2004 I think. It feels weird not to be blogging at all. And I miss it, but how to get started again? Well, from the beginning of course. 
The original plan was for Brandi and the girls to come visit, but with all the paperwork she had going on she just couldn't do it. I've been there myself and I know you don't enjoy anything at that point - so I suggested she meet us halfway and we could take the girls for a few days. That way anything left to do could be done without having to haul them around too. So - we were going to meet Friday morning- and then they rejected her immunization and it needed to be done again. At this point it was Thursday, I left work a little early and drove - I couldn't book the ferry that late so through Tacoma, Seattle and Everett I went - I hit ALL the rush hours, fender benders, turning my 4 1/2 hour drive into almost a 7 hour one. I got to the house at almost 8 pm, rummaged around and had a cheese sandwich for lunch and dinner since I hadn't been able to stop anywhere and then just fell into bed. UGH. 

On the upside, I was able to book the ferry going back and we left around 9, I felt better since I'd at least slept. Everything got packed, everyone strapped in and off we went. Waiting for the ferry was fun, we explored the beach, petted every dog we could reach, ate a ton of snacks, fun! As soon as the car was on the ferry out we went again, the overhead "recommended" we all stay in the car - yeah..... no. We did all four floors 9 times, used the potty on the boat, ate more snacks and then off again. It took us about 6 hours all told but that included waiting for and riding the ferry, stopping for potty breaks and .......Nana's low tire light going on. Yup, of course it did. I did what I usually do which is call and yell at David like the ship is going down, does no good but tradition and all that. We pulled into the gas station and I attempted to check the tires which looked fine while everyone in the car unstrapped themselves since if Nana gets out EVERYONE gets out - and of course we had to continue The Tour of Potties. Two 4 year olds are bit daunting, I was explaining to one why she could NOT sit on the urinal (unisex bathroom) even if it did look fun while the kept trying to wash her hands with a full quart of soap. Fun times. In order to get out of there I bought them each a drink and a bag of M&Ms which turned out to be  family size. As we started down the highway I sang out "does everyone have thier seat belt on?" which Chloe sang out "No" - we argued about it for a minute and then I looked in the rearview......HOLYSHIT. Chloe was very rightous about the whole thing since it was Nana's fault and she pointed it out like 600 times. About 20 minutes later she was Oops and announced she had opened the rest of her chocolate milk which I told her not to and had spilled it? "Hmm. I asked if she had spilled a little. She thought about it and then said 
"No Nana, I spilled a LOT". 

The rest of the ride after I got her cleaned up was not awful - they are very good and well behaved,  ignored the tire light (turned out to false alarm). We arrived back to the house in pretty good time despite everything, they went flying out of the car because Poppop who is apparently a major celebrity  was on the front porch with Rueben The Dog waiting for them. A lot hugging Poppop and dog petting went on - Nana just wanted to sit. For a few hours. Or so. 

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