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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Almost Home.

We continue to work on the house of course, it's starting to LOOK like a house! David got his reconditioning stuff for the furniture - it's all leather and no holes or rips but you can tell the person that owned it had dogs. We know this because this is what our dogs did to our last set of furniture. I had ordered ReLuv leather re conditioner off of Amazon - anyone that knows me knows I war with them on a regular basis about delivery times.  They offer two day shipping on most of their products but from my estimation only about half of our stuff comes in under the wire. The rest of it can takes up to two weeks and they don't email you about it - they just sneaky change the arrival date on their website. I ordered the ReLuv as it said between the 16th and 17th, when I got the confirmation it said the 24rth - yeah, I don't think so. I fired off a complaint and it showed up yesterday. And just and FYI - if they change the date on you email customer service and they'll give a 5 to 10 dollar gift certificate. They used to give a full month of Prime - I ended up with a full free year at one point. And no I don't feel like I'm cheating anyone - if you can't do it, don't offer it. 

But I digress, David got his reconditioning stuff and could not wait to try it out.  The first thing he did was not  read the directions since they just do that to give someone a job apparently. Had he read the directions he would have stirred it and we would not have had a full set of lovely restored but sticky furniture. He turned the couch and chair around to keep the pets off which you know, works well (NOT). He then started putting trim up in the bedroom and fired off the nail gun which freaks Molly out - you know where she headed, right? So he's yelling at Molly to Get Off The Couch and she's bouncing all over it at this point sprinkling dog hair all over the sticky couch. Bob the cat hopped on too for good measure, Reuben stayed on the dog bench peering out the window wishing they'd all go to hell. We finally got Molly to bounce off - it looked lovely is all I'll say about THAT. David had to wipe it all down again, etc... but this morning it's all dry and looks pretty decent. 

The other thing we did was get the claw foot tub that we found on Facebook market place. The couple selling the tub were very nice, they are from Oregon, moved to Virginia for 38 years and now came back. They'd bought the tub and restored it for their son but he can't use it. She was telling me she'd originally sold it to a woman, the next day she was Fed-Exed a check for $3000! from this woman - since the tub was sold for $600 she was smelling a rat. She took the check to the bank and explained the situation - they called the manager who asked her to sit while she investigated - the manager came back to let her know she'd contacted the police and the FBI was now involved. So what was the scam? When the woman got home she got a ton of emails from this person saying sorry for the larger amount, giving a sketchy reason for it - but if she could deposit it right away and send her back the difference........ the woman informed her the FBI had the check and they'd be contact with her -apparently this person could not get away fast enough. The tub came with all the hardware so its one more thing off the list - David still has to fix the shower before we can even start looking at installing it for now.

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