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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Our Egg-Cellent Adventure!

Somebody mentioned the Big duck to me when they saw my post on the World's Largest Egg and I did have to laugh. I grew up on LI about 20 miles from The Big Duck which is a road side attraction - it was originally a poultry shop and over the years  has become an icon. So here I am on the other side of the country now living near a giant egg, who would have thought. Kim and Steve have lived here for years and never even know about it! When we move I go hunting for places to go - the place itself is not that important but it's a way to explore the area and find things. My trip to St. Helen's yielded a Restore and a building liquidators, my trip to Vancouver gave an idea of the major highways a shopping mall. I go on Google and look for a variety of things and this time - I found the egg. While talking to Kim I invited her on my egg hunt but she couldn't go til this Thursday so I had to wait.

I was going to sneak over and look at it because we all know I have the patience of a mayfly but David tattled and I still had to wait. Then Steve wanted to see the egg and could rearrange his schedule to take off part of the afternoon and of course since Steve was going so was David. So on Thursday we headed out - it's about an hour from here and I did see some places for future reference but we pretty much just headed for the egg. The egg is there for the same reason The Big Duck exists - advertising. Winlock was the second largest egg producing town town until the 50's, the original egg was made of canvas in the 20's. Since then it's had  a  few reincarnations - plastic, fiberglass, and the last one was funded in 1993 by Vern. L. Zander. See - you now have some very interesting small talk for your next cocktail party, you're welcome! And yes they do have  yearly festival but we missed it. The egg was egg-zactly as advertised and they've built a small park around it. We took quite a few pictures including the Traditional Pretending To Hold The Egg Up but aside from the egg there is.......well, there isn't really anything else. A few big chickens and a flag, then you're done.

I had found a town about 12 miles back for us to go out to dinner - it was an easy choice since I'm a huge Stephen King fan - Castle Rock!!  That's a bigger town with a bunch of restaurants, I'd put in Mexican but got vetoed and we ended up at  Parkers Steakhouse and Pub. It was one of those very non-descript places on the outside, it was very plain jane to be honest. But inside! - it was a like a magic trick! Really beautiful and the food was great. I had a giant veggie burger, we had beer of course - and it was one of those restaurants that actually still serve one part of the meal at a time. Usually I don't order appetizers as they tend to dump everything on the table at once and run (have you noticed that? I have!). But we were served our drinks first, then followed by the appetizers and then a few minutes later dinner appears. It would not be a place to eat in a hurry, but we had a great and leisurely meal. After that we headed home, but it was a really fun afternoon. 

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