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Thursday, July 4, 2019

War of The Birds

When we moved in here we noticed a family of birds darting around the side door that is covered by the breezeway. Some of the shingles had come loose just above the roof and left an opening. A family of starlings had made the hole bigger and made a nest in there . The were right against the wall by the door and it quickly became apparent they'd had babies. Squawky babies. Every morning since we arrived we were serenaded by a cacophony of noise and rustling in the wall as they jostled around.  Sometimes I'd get tired of it and pound on my side like  I was living with bad renters - SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP. They would for a minute, then realizing I was all bark and no bite would go back to carrying on about nothing. Since they had babies there was not much we could do but wait them out - thankfully birds grow up very fast.  About a week ago a small crew of gawky teenage starlings appeared on the roof looking a bit surprised about the whole business. They spent several days doing little sprints and darting back in the nest when we came by but after a few days they took off and all was quiet. David quickly removed the nest and covered up the hole.

The other night there was a big To Do as the newly Empty Nesters swooped around trying to get back in. Nope, you've been evicted. David was working in the bedroom when I looked out the window and started laughing. There were a bunch of starlings angrily marching around, I was pretty sure I could hear them muttering DAVID, DAVID DAVID as they cast their beady eyes in his direction.  They spent the earlier portion of the evening swooping about and stumping along the garage roof line, trying to figure out how to get back in. Two hit the bedroom window - I told David I hoped his will was in order as they were really, really, really mad. They seemed to have given it up for the time being, David has to close in the vent above the balcony next to make sure they stay out.  David remains safe, walking about with his eyes unpecked and not being flapped to death.
He's working on the master bedroom today - he said he's tired of feeling like he's sleeping in a welfare motel, I'm going to be starting on the upstairs bedroom pretty soon. I had my first job interview the other day which I hope went well - I really didn't want it, then interviewed and now can't wait for them to hopefully call me back with good news. We're not really doing much today, there was a little local parade but it's a bit weird when you don't know anyone in it.  We have plans with Kim and Steve on Saturday for lunch and then touring an island that was sort of like Ellis Island on the East coast which should be fun. Sunday I'm helping Kim with some of her cleaning jobs and then Monday it's back to job hunting and exploring my new home.

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