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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Welcome To PooVille

The other day David announced he was just going to look at the pipe behind the shower - the spigot had been dripping no matter how much he tightened it and he was pretty sure it was leaking in the back. Now, the shower has been a big discussion at times because someone did a bang up job with the tile work - it's really well thought out. But as far as the actual understanding of how a shower should be - not so much. The drain is strange - a hole cut in the tile with no sealing, the tiles used for the floor are surprisingly big - 12 x 6 which of course means the slightest shift in the level of the floor and they crack - and over time they are all cracked. There's no shower pan underneath, no caulking, just grout - you get the idea. The constant leaking over the years, the carpenter ants it attracted - you can feel the dip in the floor- David has shored it up for now but it is on the short list. SO David removed the shelves from the cabinet and started to sawzall the wall - and of course hit the pipe. We had a mini cascade but the one super advantage of living in a foreclosure is you end up with a very high freak out level. I think if the clown from IT popped out that might have made us move a little faster - a little.

David patched the pipe but then started thinking maybe the claw foot tub should go in before he starts working on the shower since the tub will have a shower to it.  This meant of course he needed to cut a big ass hole in the floor and start putzing around under the house. The pipes are a mess - some have been replaced, they removed none of the old stuff so that's down there, leaks, cobwebs, ugh. And the other issue with the tub aside from having to do re plumbing is the floor needs to be leveled and redone which is yet another addition to The List. The floor is not level, they did some weird repair to the area around the toilet and then there's the pocket door that used to go out to the hot tub room.....and they did this super foundation to the old hot tub room. Armageddon could come and go and that thing will still be there. David took a sledge hammer to it and it just bounced - it's also wildly uneven so it needs to be jacked if he's going to put a deck back over it..... on The List. 

The shower is safe for now, well for us it's safe - I guess. I suppose if I end up under the house one morning I'll get over it eventually. So he's figuring it out and while he was doing that he decided to look for the Elusive Second Septic Tank. I had bought a tracer off of Amazon which is a nifty thing that finds electrical lines but it has a learning curve to it. It beeps when it finds the line but it's an area, not exact - so David has been beeping around the yard for the past two weeks with a bit of digging and poking about. The person who installed the septic system originally - Lenny - did not put it on the county map and he is currently in prison so that avenue was closed. Our other option was hiring a company out of Portland which was very pricey! but we were getting to that. But he found it this morning and has called the septic guy to come and replace the float system, then we should be good to go. It does work but you have to use the manual button and pump it every couple of days which is annoying. David turned off the Poo Alarm as it had a cheery habit of going off at 2am which meant Poo Maneuvers for us. But as of today, it's one thing OFF the list!

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