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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Day to Day

Can you believe I've been working for 3 weeks already? And I got my first paycheck! Since I'm working for the state now I get paid every two weeks which is fine and unlike Stonybrook University Hospital they don't hold the first two weeks. I'm enjoying my job, the hours are lovely and the people that I work with are fun. Right now it's getting to know the area, how things work, etc....  but since my job is also the first of it's kind it's exciting! What I do is to work with seniors to reduce ER visits and calling EMS by finding alternate solutions - I hook them up with services and find other ways for them to deal with things. It's a work in progress - but none of my clients are further than 30 miles and my office is only 30 minutes from my house. Some mornings I just dither around since I now leave at 7:50am instead of 6:40! I like that I'm in the office sometimes and then out on the road for the rest of the time, it's not boring. 

David continues to work on the house, people have been stopping by just to look, it's getting very impressive looking since he added the deck. Kim's friend Meg was here today - she lives in Colorado and was out here when we first bought the house. They stopped on the way to the airport for her to see it - she was horrified and could not believe it was fixable. We had them for lunch, I haven't seen Meg in about 15 years so it was fun to see her - and fun to see her reaction to the house! I made a Marionberry cobbler from the berries I picked in the yard with fresh whipped cream, we had vegetarian Italian sausage heroes. i do not like the Beyond Beef burgers - they are WAY too meaty looking for me but the sausages are really good, David even loves them.  We showed off the house, while we were upstairs Meg admired the 70's gold foil wall paper they'd used in the loft, I asked if she'd like it and she said yes.  Since I'm a very good hostess I grabbed the edge of a section and pulled it off - the old wall paper was made sturdy and as it's been protected from light up there I'm sure it looks exactly the same the day it was made. We pulled off a few more sections - Meg does crafting and that's what she wanted it for. It was a very good visit and we'll be seeing her again.  
I have my first conference coming up and then we're going to visit Brandi and the girls - again! I already have the reservations and yes, Molly and Reuben are going back to the same kennel. I cannot see them getting that sick again - the place really has a very good reputation. There's a sheep and wool festival at the end of September I'm going to - Kim might tag along if she can, we're hoping to have the neighbors over at some point when the house is a bit further along. David is still working outside before the rainy season starts and then he'll be tackling the guestroom upstairs - you might want to make your reservations now!

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