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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Post Thanksgiving Post.

We've done Thanksgiving with Ray for about four years now - every year he thinks it's too much trouble and every year we do not. And it's not - it's a tradition. This year Adam joined us which worked well. We made arrangements to stay at the Hampton Inn down the road and Adam slept over Ray's. This year I also reserved the room with Orbitz over the Internet - the con is the room is non refundable at that rate, the pro is the rate was $160 less than we usually pay - with a discount like that, I'll take my chances. Molly and Reuben went to Dog Jail, it's Molly's first time being incarcerated and we can't pick them up til 5 pm today, I'm curious to see how she did. She actually went with the guy better than Reuben did, she has improved vastly over the past 4 months. I know that our intense socializing her has help a great deal and even though I hate to put them in the kennel I think this might actually benefit her further. Anyhoo, we arrived in Kearney about 3 pm, checked in  and ran off to Ray's. We had our dinner at The Stack as we do every year - well, except for when they got hit by hurricane Sandy and were down for the count. After we went back to Ray's and yakked. And yakked. The next morning we were back at The Stack for breakfast, then off shopping . We avoided the Stampede that was on the news, we were really just interested in the book store and a few other small venues. After back to Ray's - David was tired so I drove to Olive Garden where we met up with Jackie for dinner. Jackie and I are always laughing as we both have older relatives that spend a great deal of time sneaking off with silverware, sugar bowls and milk pitchers so we lament our small handbags that don't fit coffee carafes and we'll bring them next time. I don't think restaurants are as forgiving now - when I was a kid it was almost part of the meal to  sneak off with the ice tea spoons - I thought everyone had a set of spoons that had Howard Johnson printed down the front. On the way home Ray said there was a comet and we looked for it until David the Passenger loudly announced he was not comfortable with the driver scanning the heavens for a comet and would prefer I keep my eyes on the road which had us laughing all the way home,We left early Saturday, we usually eat breakfast out but everyone was still full from the previous day - and I seriously need to start cutting back on eating. You never fully realize how much weight you've gained til you post the pictures, do you? I had blood work done with my physical and even though technically it's normal I'm not happy with it so it's back to the drawing board for me. The funny thing about food is the more I concentrate on cutting back it seems to more I become obsessed with eating it. Maybe I need to think about something else - like yarn. We stopped at TWO yarn shops on the way home. The first one - The Knitters Edge is expected, the second one which is right off the stinking highway I might add was a bit much for the Yarn Hater. However, he was also a crabby pants from all the food and driving so I said when we stopped he needed to be a passenger as he was getting bit out of control cranky pants. We made it home in good time, Vincent did well and demanded Make Up Snacks but was fine. We pick up the hooligans at 5 pm and then it's back to work Monday, but we had a great time.

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

I hate leaving dogs at a kennel. Makes me feel guilty.

Cliff and I will weigh in the morning and get back on track. Gotta do it.