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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

New Project.

 The weather had been getting hot and humid - given the greenery around here humidity is a given. We've been running the dehumidifier in the basement every morning to combat the dampness. It rained like crazy today - soaking everything including my garden which, at this point, is dirt. The deer have decimated it, they've eaten all the seedlings except for 4 corn seedlings - left there as a smack in my face I suppose. There are still the seeds so I'll replant the rest of the garden with seeds and consider it lesson learned. Speaking of which I will not be entering anything in the Waynesburg festival again - there's another lesson learned! I started my next project - a simple hoodie with a pouch pocket in front to make it interesting. I have this really nice deep maroon and white yarn that I've had for some time. It's been awhile since I've done a sweater and I am trying to use up some yarn. I had mentioned to the Yarn Hater that Kid Ewe Knot was having a sale and he was a wee bit hysterical. But then I thought about it and I don't really need anymore yarn, do I? And I bought a whole bunch at the festival so I'm good. I've even stopped buying books as I was sorting through last week and found a few (lot) that I didn't even know I had. Same with the yarn. And other stuff. Sometimes I fall into a bad habit of shopping - and I'm not talking about flat out hoarder shopping but - shopping in general. Stopping in for shampoo and then back the the next day for some other items, then finding on sale stuff, on and on. I end up spending  more than I should on things I don't really need. So I'm back to basics, when I begin to stop I ask myself do I really need anything? Or do I need to just stop for ten minutes and take a break? Works out the same in the end. David is planning on going to see Ray this weekend - I have to work on Monday so I am staying home with the dogs. Adam is starting his job this weekend too, he got hired after hours at the local Walmart and they're will to work around his school schedule - not only that but it's only about 10 miles from the house so he is glad he got that job. So Frick and Frack will have me to hang around with this weekend. They are both doing fine and behaving. The new electric collars work well - and the beeper keeps them in line. I have no idea why that little noise bothers them so much but as long as they stay in the yard I really don't care. Not at all.

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