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Sunday, July 21, 2013


 Yesterday was better. Nothing really happened - nothing. No calls, no crisis no paperwork. Did a little shopping, little scootching around, little cleaning. I got a few things done, but nothing major. Today is the same as yesterday - no calls, no going out just hanging with my dogs and watching the rest of the episodes of LA Ink.On this episode they are building shelves and her cat might be lost. Sigh. After 82 episodes the honeymoon is over - I have two more and then we are parting ways. Netflix and Hulu are like my ebooks. On one hand you can rip through the entire series without having to wait. On the other hand you can go one right after the other of  the entire series until you puke. But I'm also reading, knitting and playing with the dogs at the same time so it's not so bad.  Poor Molly - it's been so long since I've just been home being not busy she's been like glue for the past two days, she's constantly in my lap or sitting beside me. At the moment I'm typing over her head as she is happily snoring away, tucked in beside me in our favorite chair. I finished the bottom of the sweater and if I say so myself - it really looks like a sweater that someone could wear and they wouldn't even have to be deformed to fit it. Of course I have to knit up the sleeves and that is my Achilles heel of knitting. I am not great at the sleeves because they never look big or long enough to me so I tend to knit extra. This ends up with my gifting people I actually do like with sweaters that are more suited to primates than humans. But I persevere and sometimes I actually end up with something pretty decent. David is off shooting clay targets with his friend Rich and Adam is working so I have a few hours to myself. After David gets home we're dropping my car off at the dealership so it can get new tires and an inspection. By the time my sight clears up after my eye appointment we can pick up car up later in the afternoon  - two birds with one stone. I hope. You know how best laid plans end up most of the time. I plan on spending the rest of my day pottering around, I've started scouting for a new project after this - I might actually do an afghan since I haven't made one of those in awhile. I have a ton  of chenille that I always meant to use and if I use big needles it shouldn't take that long. I might sift through my knitting stuff which I enjoy doing - sometimes just looking through the yarn will remind of why I bought it - most people that buy yarn have a specific project in mind when they purchase it. I have green mohair I meant to use for a beautiful floor length Victorian inspired sweater. I have bright orange yarn slated for a shawl, raspberry tinted for straight knit socks. Multicolored silk recycled from sari leftovers in India for a shawl, blue and white striped for a sweater. I could go on and on - I just need three things. To win the lottery, a bigger couch and more time.

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