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Sunday, September 11, 2011

I Walk The Line

Today we finally dared it - after a year we returned to the trails. Pearl The Pest and I got ready in our usual manner - she jumped around and barked like an idiot and I yelled at her.  I went out and started the car, leaving the back car door open because she knew she was going walking. I opened the kitchen door and she went firing straight out the door like a shot - catapulted into the car and resumed barking and jumping around like an idiot. I resumed yelling. She rode with her head out the window, ears flying straight back - I have no idea why she finds this so much fun, but it's dime not mine. The trail we did was Friendship Hill Park, it's historic so there's little graves and stuff along the way if you do the long way. We were just on a trial run for both my foot and my digital compass which is sort of like a GPS but you hit your start point and then off you go. You can even turn it off and turn it back on later - and it will tell how far you are away from your start point and the miles (or feet ) decrease as you get toward it. Pearl is sort of a mixed bag as far as hiking partners go - she can walk forever without tiring since she is a Vizsla, however she insists on trying to do it as Fast As Her Legs Will Carry Her And You Too, HURRY UP DAMMIT. It sort of takes the relaxing part out of it. We did have a few tricky moments as apparently people can ride their bike on the trail which Pearl views as an Evil Contraption and behaves accordingly. Thank the stars for leashes! And then when I turned my compass on it just read "00.6" - and it wouldn't change. I started to panic a little since I'd been lost once in the woods and that was enough thank you very much - but then noticed it had changed to "00.5" finally - I realized then that we had never gone very far while practicing in the backyard and it had never read more than feet before. Whew! So it did work after all and then I really enjoyed the walk. We only did a couple of hours as I didn't want to over do and headed home so I could get a jump start on the cooking for the week. When I have time I try to at least cook a couple of dishes for the week so we can just stick em in the oven and it's done.  David got his first beef stew of the season and stuffed green peppers for later in the week, I did the vegetarian version of the peppers, Hippie Loaf and mushroom burgers.  I love feeling like I'm a little head before I start the week, don't you?

1 comment:

jackie pilavakis said...

this is my first time reading your "Yarns & Tall Tails"........& so I'm inspired to walk right now sans dog, don't have one...a friend will do I suppose...& I'd like to know how to make the "hippie loaf" ......any chance of recipe sharing??