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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Once More Around The Block.

So, I know I blocked it already but I was not happy with it. I think the first time I was being a little bit more cautious, but this time I wanted to do it right. Anyone that knits will be familiar with blocking - when people think of wet wool or yarn they often think of it as shrinking. But with knitters - we think of it as getting bigger. Much bigger. So this morning I scrubbed the sink down and dumped it in, letting it soak for a half hour. Wringing it out took some doing, it's fairly large unblocked which made it unwieldy, drenched in water - ugh! I wrung and blotted and wrung again, then carried upstairs to the blocking mat. The reason the blocks are all different colors is because I'm cheap - Sam's Club sells foam squares which are exactly the same except I can get 8 for about $20 instead of the "real" ones which are much more expensive. Much more. I bought two sets and it's also my exercise mat in the morning. Win win!

I got out  my lace blocking stainless steel wires and T-pins and set to work - it took me about 45 minutes because I wanted it to block even of course. The first round I pulled and pinned, then back around twice more, pulling and securing. I know I've done a good job when I can stand back and see through it - now I'm happy.  At the moment I giving it a break and then on to other things. I'm swapping out my summer and winter clothes today since it's raining and I have to rearrange the refrigerator again. We're good for awhile and then we have a breakdown in society and just stuff things in there willy nilly. We end up wasting food because you can't see what you have. 

David is out at the flip house working on the floors - he found cabinets and will be picking them up tomorrow, he wants to have the floors down before he puts the cabinets in. The saga with the asshat next door continues.  West Penn had shut off and tagged the pole - they told David they would be back the next day to take down the rest of the wires but he could get started on removing it. He started cutting the wires and 5 minutes later a state trooper showed up - turned out asshat came back from Wyoming to get the rest of their trash (I guess so they can dirty up Wyoming) and called the cops on him! Now Asshat decided he's going to have his own survey (seriously? )and he's going to rent the trailer. David said the whole time he was smirking and then started making up stuff which David called him on. Sigh. I told David I think we're making a bigger deal out of it than we need to - we're more upset that the neighbor and his backwoods family are being such assholes than the pole and the shed. I told David just to put up the fence - out of sight and out of mind - and we'll deal with the rest of it later. 

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