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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Saving Money.

The first step to really saving money is, well, not spending it. Easier said than done - in the past few weeks I've been mulling over cutting corners. A lot of it is just being concious of not only what you're spending but on what. Today I did the grocery shopping by myself and stopped in Gabes to look for shorts and sandels, both of which I found. I only bought one pair of shorts as I rarely wear them (and I KNOW there has to be at least one more thing of summer clothes somewhere around here) and a pair of cheap flip flops to potter around in. But then I came across a medium sized kitchsy suitcase with retro decorations. It was perfect! Spinny wheels, zippers worked great and the price! was only $39, you just can't beat that. It would be perfect to use as a carry on.............

I never carry on when I fly. I think it's stupid, I just bring my pocket book and my yellow tote bag which I can fit everything into and it slides under the seat in front of me. It's actually a knitting bag but I can get everything I need to take on the plane with me. So. I looked at the bag. Then walked away, very quickly. Because I didn't need it - I wanted it. And I wanted it because I knew it would make me feel better for a few minutes, doesn't it? You walk away from the store all excited about your new perfect item, imagine how you'll use it, admire it when you get home. Then it gets put in the closet, under the bed, the basement, the attic. Eventually it will be given away where someone will buy it in a thrift store, excited about thier new purchase. So the suitcase stayed on the shelf and I walked out with exactly what I intended to buy

I've found a lot of not buying things is best done by not looking. So many easy ways to buy things, Amazon, ebooks, ebay, yada yada yada. I do still look at books - but before I buy it I ask, would I buy this if it wasn't on sale? If the answer is no, then I move on. Just buying things can be a bad habit, like forgetting to put the milk away  - when I look at things lately I remind myself I don't need them. I recently re-organized my yarn and I have a good amount, but all that I have I WILL use. The last time I went through it I gave away two trash bags full. It went to a good cause and the animal rescue was very grateful for it, but do I want to spend money again on things I don't need? Nope. Like drugs, sometimes you've just got to say No. 

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