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Saturday, April 28, 2018

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors - Unless You Can Get Away With Poison.

So, when we bought the flip house we had to have a survey done - we usually don't but we needed to see where the property lines are due to an open foundation on one side and a passel of pigs (the human kind) on the other. We are putting in a fence on both sides as the foundation is a safety issue and the pigs - well, they're just an issue. We found that they had not only had their electrical pole placed on our property but their shed sits 5 feet over the line. The owner inherited the house from a relative - it's a cute little two story but it's stuffed to the rafters with crap. There's so much crap they had to put a trailer on the property to live in and of course, it's a crappy trailer. Sigh. David went over and spoke to them, they were moving to Wyoming but promised they would get the shed moved before they left. Yup. 

The problem is now the MIL who is a nasty old thing that comes down to feed the chickens they left and is currently cleaning out the trailer which we still can't figure out - the place is full of crap so it's kind of like putting lipstick on a pig, now isn't it? David got the electric company to put in a work order to remove the pole which hopefully will be coming down soon. The shed we are in a quandary about - the MIL is not letting it go, she came over to cackle at David that she was going to put a door on the side of it! She sits on the porch of the trailer and dials her phone while glaring - we've dealt with worse and it will get resolved but it's so annoying! And the more pressing issue is the shed sits right in the middle of the fence line, so we've been brainstorming trying to figure out how to solve this. I thought maybe since it's on our property we could jsut put a door on OUR side and use that 5 feet of space (put up a wall maybe?) as a garden shed which would be cute. But we're having a lot of trouble getting information on laws - the police and local magistrate don't get involved in property disputes so we're not sure if we can do that. 

But David continues to make good headway on the house, he bought the appliances already, we are still looking for kitchen cabinets and he's got most of the house sheet rocked and ready to be spackled. A friend of his who's a retired farmer comes down to help and he's enjoying the company. In return David has been helping him out fixing things around his house and I'm sure it makes the day go faster for both of them. David is also taking a little time next week to do my sun room, well, one of them. That I'm really excited about, just in time for the good weather. 

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