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Friday, April 27, 2018

No Rest For The Wicked

One of the most stressful things about my job is it never stops - if there are no issues or calls, it's still there lurking the background just waiting to pounce. Even when I taught my first knitting class at the Pittsburgh Fiber Festival - I was so nervous I wouldn't do a good job and having to spend 15 minutes in the hall trying to reach one of my client's parents because that somehow became my responsibility on my day off did not, ease my stress believe it or not. Today, my vacation day and I spend the first part of it trying to straighten out yet another problem. It was not a huge deal, but honestly - I would like just one day that I was not texting or checking my email. Just one. Enough bitching. 

Overall my overnight in Shippensburg was fun - the pool was bathtub warm and there was a hot tub and I had them all to myself. I spent the rest of the evening reading, knitting, watching TV and eating burritos - life does not get any better than that. I slept in a little, drank coffee in bed, walked down to the dining room and had breakfast. We all watched Bill Cosby get convicted, then an interview with his lawyer and some woman lawyer that kept insisting that all 60 of his accusers are lying and they have some sort of agenda - uh, yep. I hope they lock YOU in a room with him sister, we'll see who has the agenda then. The things people do for money. But he's been convicted and that's what matters, 

So I took off around 10 and stopped at an antique store - I bought a bedpan that came from a mental hospital in MD from the turn of the century, sweet! Then off to the Yarn Basket for some yarn therapy. I took my time and just browsed and browsed. On the way home Is stopped in Frostberg - one of those places you always want to stop but you never have the time .Another yarn shop of course, I bought a skein of hand dyed local sock yarn - it was just beautiful. Home, home is good - the dogs greeted me like I had just come back from a year long tour of course and we went out in the yard. I unpacked and started the wash, on and on. I'll be gloating over my yarn for a day or so, I'm on a yarn diet for awhile - between the yarn festival, the knitting retreat and today I have more than enough. For now. 

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