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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Michael - Jacksoning the Cat

There's Jackson doing an impression of The Gloved One and his kid on a balcony -  please note that Vincent is NOT amused. David had carpet put down in the basement yesterday, today he noticed the large stains on part of it so the carpet guy has to come back, the dumpster guy never came back and picked up the dumpster - all in time for the RE to do the Group Troop through the house. We had about 14 of them, but they were pretty brief about it and now I have the rest of the day to pretend to get things done. David has a bit of short fuse these days helped along by the stupid dogs. He spent the morning waxing the floors and right before the RE showed up Charger dragged in leaves and dirt and Copper did his bit by barfing by the door. Yikes. We've been hearing alot from Adam lately, he's finally back in port after almost 3 months out at sea and has had to replace all of his uniforms, they're working him too hard, he doesn't have enough time to spend with his girlfriend, yadda yadda yadda, usual stuff. I'm glad he's on dry land though, I can't imagine being out at sea on a 500 foot frigate for months on end with a couple hundred people. But if he has enough energy to carp, he's fine. Work is dragging, we've had a low census but I was told I cannot be called off, I HAVE to work because I resigned I have to give them X amount of hours, not sure where calling in sick falls in there. One more thing I suppose.

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