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Monday, June 24, 2019

Animal, Vegetable Or Mineral

So, one of the fun games you can play when you move into a foreclosure is What IS That? Because remember I said people that are evicted are usually not big on cleaning? Ever? That includes a lot of stuff most people would not ever think of living with and yes, we do think it's funny. David came into the dining room earlier today waving a broom that had a huge insect web stuck to it going "look what I found on top of the cabinet!" - I was all Ack! and Yuck, but it's nothing more than what I've waved at him.  In the overhead light in the bathroom is a body of something, we still don't know what. We are buying replacement plastic and then will get it down. It doesn't smell and there's no point to removing it now because no one wants to be the Mummified  Body Washer Off-er. 

This house has a garbage disposer in the sink, remember them? They were really big in the 70's and 80's and usually people that had them had money. I don't know if I actually knew anyone that had one back then - we were poor and had to carry our garbage out like commoners.  We did turn it on and it does run, it makes a lot of noise and it twirls.... we got a flashlight because what it was twirling was pretty nasty. It was brown, wet and humped up in the middle - yet it was happily whirling about making pretend grinding noises. David got the shop vac and sucked it out and yes, it was gross. I poured some peroxide down it and now there is no longer a faint weird smell coming out of the sink.  Steve told us you really can just put stuff like peelings down there and they usually only work for a little while, then they get clogged or the blades get dull. 

So, now that it's been cleaned out does it work? Nope. I threw a little piece of watermelon in and turned it on. It made pretend grinding noises and twirled the watermelon for my entertainment , but it was like Trump. A lot of noise and no results.  So that will be on the list as now every time we wash the dishes we're always grabbing at the flatware before it goes down and we have to fish it out. We are still dealing with a few other yucky things but overall we have the Yuck Factor down pretty far. And best of all - it's starting to smell like a house instead of a Cat Pee Farm. 

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