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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Surfing The InterNOT

So, the Ugliness starts. This is the part when you find out the bad things about where you live. We thought we had the internet issue under control. David called the other day and cancelled the Viasat that provided 12 GB a month to the tune of $350 in early termination fees, but way cheaper than continuing on with the service.  We thought the Verizon Jet Pack was the answer - and it was for a short time.  We watched the first two episodes of Season 8 of GOT, played on our laptops, life was good. Then this morning I got up to a text message on my phone that we were nearing the 15 GB limit for the month??? I called and apparently our Verizon rep forgot to mention this little fact. I was trying not to get upset but as I have to at least start looking for a job that will be near to impossible without the internet. Now, the thing is you still do have the internet but it's throttled way back  and runs much more slowly. If you ask them flat out if you can stream a movie they start hedging, hemming and hawwing. So in other words instead of Jon Snow fighting hard he would most likely be wimpy waving his sword about. Not good.  So she did tell me we did have 15 GB on the tablets and we could run the TV off of  them, but that is just a band aid on the problem, isn't it? We have Alexas that I stream music on, Netflix, etc... 

A neighbor stopped by this morning (they seem to enjoy checking on our progress) and I asked him - he has some capped service too but they don't really use the the wireless too much on the farm so..... Then I started calling around and Frontier is coming to hook up on Monday - keep your fingers crossed.  The other not so hot stuff is there was an apparent leak in the hot tub room, big surprise (not) and then the ants showed up so this morning David was shoring up the shower which is good for now. Gratefully it's contained to one area so it will not be too bad to fix. He's started peelng the shingles off the house and that's the only small area so far. Bob got out today, the little shit. She has been all ninja-cat for the past couple of days trying to shoot out the door and today she succeeded. She bolted right past me and headed for the garage, I was right behind her being very warm and inviting but she was having none of it! She escaped into the blackberry bushes and I could see her but she was purposefully not looking in my direction and then disappeared.  We called her for a few minutes and then left her to her own devices. 

I had to get a couple things but I really wanted to check out Jones Beach - I've driven by it a few times but never had the chance to go look at it. In case you're wondering - it is a real beach with sand and everything, it's on the Columbia river and of course it's just beautiful like everything else around here.  It was very windy, today it's in the 60s so not too warm.  I had to walk awhile to get to a place where I could walk on the edge, there's a big drop off but I'm sure that's from the high tides . There were a couple of people fishing and no one else, I went to the edge and put my hand in. Everyone is always telling me how cold it is, but it was Long Island cold, not freezing.  I'll have to ask around though, it looked like it was running fairly rapidly and I didn't see anyone swimming. The house closing was supposed to be today but I forgot about the time difference  and it's too late to call so we will have to see. Hopefully it went alright but I never depend on that, been way too many rodeos for this girl!

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