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Tuesday, June 4, 2019


The debate continues to rage as the white men in congress continue to strip away our abortion rights, despite protests and the obvious disagreement of pretty much everyone. It is a heated discussion isn't it, there's very little middle of the road on opinions. I've been following conversations on Facebook and the thing that strikes me the hardest, the most upsetting part is -
where are the men in this conversation?

The pro-life women are worse than the men, harsh and unforgiving, my favorite phrase is if a woman doesn't want to have children they need to keep their legs shut - how disgusting and misogynist is that? Because no one seems to be mentioning the men. The ones that when their girlfriend, wife, mistress gets pregnant - they leave with no repercussions. And yes there are laws - but here's the thing, you need money to go to court to enforce them.  I remember  not that many years ago a friend of mine was taken to court by her ex husband to reduce his child support. She was living in a welfare hotel with their two kids, he was living in a beach front home with his girlfriend - his support payments were $90 a week. For two kids. To this day that just amazes me it even got that far. If he didn't want the responsibility of kids shouldn't he have kept his cock in his pants? And what about the men that ask and bully women to have abortions - where is there responsibility? Are they going to jail? 

We have as a society made having children impossible. Women are supposed to be self supporting, full time workers that don't leave their children with a babysitter,keep the house perfect and stay on the career track by taking only 6 weeks of maternity leave, unpaid in most cases while the male population......does nothing. If a 15 year old girl gets pregnant she is supposed to be responsible since she "got herself knocked up" but a 15 year old boy gets a pass because he's too young for that responsibility. If a woman has multiple children and lives on welfare it's shameful, she should be forced to have her tubes tied - why don't we make a vasectomy mandatory if a man skips out on his responsibility? I think to solve this problem we need to take the burden off of women. Yes they are the ones that get pregnant but men are the ones that get them pregnant and too long we have carried the sole responsibility. I have said again and again - if you want to decrease abortion put 100% responsibility on MEN. They will be completely responisible financially, for child care - if they walk out or default mandatory vasectomy. If we put it back on men I think the abortion debate will take a more enlightened view instead of this draconian punishment of all women. And for the women shaming other women - you are the embarrassment of our race. 

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