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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Out and About In Oregon

Today I met Kim in Astoria which is the halfway mark between her house and mine. Astoria is more of a very small city on the water, very funky and kitchsy is the best way to describe it. Lots of art stores and museums, culturally diverse, coffee shops, book stores,ethnic restaurants. I met Kim at the Heritage Museum - small but all local history. We wandered around there and then walked into town browsing everywhere. I didn't buy anything, we have not unpacked what we brought so adding to it is not on the list. We visited the Fabric and Yarn shop, more fabric than yarn but the fiber arts are well represented. Nope, didn't buy any yarn either, they do have a knitting group that meets on Wednesday and Saturdays which we may end up going to - since it's the in between we can both go! The owner also told me that the little yarn shop in Clatskanie is closing soon - the owner is retiring. I was like GRRR, just in time for me to arrive - seriously!! But there's tons of shops about for me to explore.

After that we went to Captain Flavel's house - it was beautiful! After he died his wife and two daughters inherited it and no one got married. In those days if you got married your husband got all your stuff - instead they kept the house and then the three of them when scampering all over the world - my kind of girls! After they passed away they left the house to the state as a historical site and since it never had any other owners and they kept it up, it's pretty much in pristine condition. They are looking for docents and tried to lure Kim but she stood firm. When we went to buy tickets one of the volunteers came up and told her they had other people from Seaside that volunteered and they were VERY HAPPY to have them. When we walked away Kim whispered "oh keep talking, that makes me so hot!", we had to stop we were laughing so hard - and that's why you keep your best friend forever. 

I did not make it across the Big Ass Bridge as it was such a beautiful day we went up to the Astoria Column which is super tall  - 163 steps to the top. There were so many people there I didn't even try, I can go back when it's less busy. Instead we enjoyed the amazing views, took more pictures and went to the little gift shop for 30 seconds - it was pretty crowded. After that I headed home, I drove down a few back roads I've seen but have not had the time to investigate. We're doing pretty good navigating around the area so far. I've started casually looking for a job, still not sure what I'll be doing but I have plenty of time for that. Right now I'm busy enjoying the area and seeing Kim and Stephen, there's time enough for work, isn't there?

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

I used to read a blog by a man in Astoria, but he fizzled out somewhere along the way.