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Wednesday, October 5, 2005

A Bird In The Paw Is Worth Two In The Bush

Vincent has become quite the killer as of late. Mainly birds, but David said he'd caught a chipmunk the other day, but lost control of it. So he spends his days now in the yard figuring out who's number is up today. Jackson and Becky have been curtailed, Becky apparently is not doing too well in school which has led to a reduction of Jackson Time. We have to go pick out a corsage today for Homecoming, which judging from all the ads is a Bigger Deal than I thought it was. Everyone in town is eager to supply all of our Homecoming Needs. I have to take a look at his suit since he wore it to school one day and who knows what he got on it. Work has gotten tough this week, every time I call a patient to confirm an appointment there's a problem - no supplies, they didn't deliver the medications, etc... and I end up on the phone forever. I've got to start taking pictures again, the trees are really turning colors now. The only thing I have to be very careful about is the deer, since it's not only rutting season but hunting season starts soon which riles them up further. And these are not the sedate deer of The Hideout, these buggers come flying out of nowhere in a herd so I've very much slowed down on the back roads. Especially since we've established last week in the backwoods I'm very much on my own. I'm currently starting a new knitting project - another poncho and it seems to be coming out much better than the one I made a few months ago with the stripes. Stripes seemed like a good idea at the time but the final results proved other wise.

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