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Saturday, October 1, 2005

Half A Building Is Better Than No Building I Suppose

This building is in Uniontown Pa and it's fairly nifty. When you drive by it looks huge but as you come around it's thin with a crappy little red building attached behind it. They've found a nurse for Uniontown so I probably won't be spending too much time up there anymore. I didn't mind the driving but I did mind getting home really late every night. The tempeture has dropped quite a bit at night, we've fired up the heater a couple of times so far but David's looking into a pellet stove too. All the houses around here are heated with natural gas and if you watch the news we are going to get slammed big time this winter. David sold his big lawn tractor which he used all summer before he bought the gravelly -and he sold it for exactly what he'd paid for it so we didn't lose any money.Jackson went on a haunted hayride with Becky, her brother and her brother's wife and had a good time. They have a ton of them around here for all of October. The last picture I've posted is Adam and Reiko, aren't they a nice couple? I'm so glad he's found someone so nice and hopefully they can come home in the spring so we can meet her! For anyone who's sending Adam birthday related things his address is: SN Adam Lester, O Division Operations Dept, USS Gary FFG-51, FPO-AP 96666-1505.  He's going to be out at sea again for his birthday this year so he could use a bit of cheering up. We're not doing too much today, there's a football game at WVU so the traffic is jammed and they're scalping tickets on the side of the road which makes the problem worse. There's wall to wall RVs and every hotel, motel, and flophouse is packed - some people here actually rent thier houses for game season.

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