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Saturday, August 15, 2009

It's The Navy Life For Me

What a fun day! John and Carleen's friend Tara met us at nine and took us to the place where you get the navy passes - we had a little bit of stress. You needed your registration and proof of insurance (no exceptions) - and we have a rental car. They said we needed a copy of the rental agreement and David thought it might be home on the table. But it turned out David had folded it up and tucked it in the glove compartment so we were able to go get our Sea Monkey from the navy piers. He looks great, just got back from being underway for a couple of weeks so we took him back to the hotel for coffee and then off we went. We went to the mall of course, Barnes and Noble, Eddie Bauer. He picked lunch, pizza place with beer of course (all of his favorite places seem to feature beer in one form or another) - but he has grown past that stage, has for a couple of years. After lunch we weren't sure what to do so I put in the GPS that I wanted the water and we ended up at the Naval Museum for the afternoon. It was pretty great, the USS Wisconsin is there and there was fish and stuff. We are just laying around the hotel right now, David and I are still recovering from our drive yesterday. We'll go out to dinner and then we're stopping over John and Carleen's to say hi. We're staying with them Sunday and Monday (Adam actually does have Monday off) and then will start wandering towards home on Tuesday. But right now we are enjoying Adam, he looks wonderful and is doing well - it will be fun seeing the Carters too - I love vacations, don't you?

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