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Monday, September 12, 2005

End Of Summer

It's getting to that time of year - only 8 more days and it will officially be fall. I can see some of the trees are already turning color and I know the mountains will be amazing in just a couple of weeks. The cats are enjoying outdoors, they stay out all day with the exception of Mr. Lee who has had her outside privleges revoked permenently. Today it went into the 90's but hopefully that will be shortlived. David is almost done winterizing the pool which continues to leak, I'm sort of curious how low we can go. David ended up getting to busy for church and missed a great sermon which was done by an atheist, he was  very interesting. He often leads the pittsburgh church and made some very interesting points. I'm going to attempt to make coffee next week since I was unable to attend Clean Up Day (David went though), hopefully I won't kill the congregation with my lack of coffee making skills. Jackson is feeling better but that cough hangs on, he's been taking NyQuil because it seems to worse at night. Adam is fine, I don't think they're coming home in October and he's talking marriage so we'll see what happens. I've got to go study, fitting this class in is a bit rough with everything else going on, but at least things are going a bit smoother for us the past couple of weeks.

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