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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Survival Of The Fittest

Yes, it's all done and over with. David rescheduled his appointment at the dermatologist for Thursday as he thought it would be too much to try and get both done the same day and I'm glad that he did. We got there about 8:30 am as same day surgery likes all thier ducks in a row and they do everything from the paperwork to the bloodwork right then and there. I brought my knitting with me which seemed to amuse the medical staff - the anesthisolgist wanted to know where I'd gotten my circular needles (they were my Addi Turbos) and the surgeon examined my knitting before he looked at my hernia. David was not amused at having to carry a big green and white polka dotted bag through the hospital but he survived.I had to answer the same questions about 5 times - I think everyone underlined the morphine allergy - that gives me uncontrollable vomiting and believe me NO ONE wants to be your friend when you're doing that. I had my surgery around 10:30, it was pretty quick and I was informed after the surgery I got an IV push of toradol so it was also painfree. David joined me in the recovery room around 12:30 (he went down and had lunch while I was in the OR) and by 1 pm I was drinking water and eating graham crackers and pestering the nurse about when I could go home. She said if I peed I would be free to roam the country so I slugged down another glass of water, performed and they came and took out my IV and let me get dressed. I was out by 2:30 - not feeling the greatest but since I was still somewhat under the influence of anethesia and toradol able to totter to the car. I don't know about you but if I'm going to be uncomfortable I'd rather do it in my own bed thank you very much. I have Loretabs for pain - it got bad around 9 pm when everything wore off. So I'm pretty much laid out for awhile, my abdomen is a little swollen and I can only sit up for an hour - or two at best and then it's back to bed. I think it will take longer than a day.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Julia,

Your tummy looks better with a surigal dressing than mine does without.! Glad everything went well. At least the hernia surgery won't interfere with your knitting.
