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Saturday, February 4, 2006

Portrait Of A Rat Fink

Yes, Mr. Lee - who is supposed to behave - is at it again. We are debating on whether or not to call the vet or see what happens. Last night while watching TV I was also knitting (I'm making another pain in the butt Japanese war helmet for Jackson's girlfriend Becky) I had a few scraps of yarn on the coffee table. Mr. Lee was sitting up there swatting and playing with them, then she started licking them. That's not unusual for her - I tell everyone my projects are made out of love, yarn and cat spit - but then I realized she was SWOLLOWING the yarn. Jackson and I dove for her but she's very fast for a 16 year old cat and she ran away while gulping down the rest of what was probably about 5" of yarn. She refused to feel guilty at all and this morning doesn't seem to be suffering any ill effects. Not to mention I wonder if this is the first time she's done this since I tend to leave tiny piles of yarn ends about most of the time (occupational hazard). We might call Dr. Kenney but since she's not having any distress we'll probably just wait her out. And to think we're going to add a puppy to this mix! My work at week is finally over, Friday was just stressful more than anything else. I'm not on call this weekend either so I get a break from it all. I have to renew my CPR next week too but will be doing that in Bridgeport which just happens to be down the road from my favorite yarn shop. Jackson is trying to get me to take him to the movies this weekend - they built a movie theater at the new plaza about 7 miles from us. The new plaza is VERY cool - it has everything from Best Buy to Barnes and Noble which makes it all very convienent to us. There's also a Pet Smart where we buy a lot of the toys for the cats. Bad cats.

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