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Sunday, January 14, 2007

It's A Dreary Day In The Neighborhood

It's been raining pretty much since Adam left, nothing heavy - but constant. The yard squishes when I walk due to the Clay Stuff, I'm very careful to keep my balance as falling in that nasty stuff is WAY disgusting. It's all slick and slidy and impossible to get off. I had another job to do today, I hate admitting on the weekend as if there's a problem you're on your own - I had the wrong phone number, an address with no house number and the facility he'd been released from had the same info that I did. And of course no one was around for the weekend. I did track him down and got to see him today, but I hate having to waste half a day (when I could be knitting or something). Pearl has been driving us crazy, with it raining we haven't been walking this weekend and you can only stay out for so long so she's been amusing herself by following everyone, harassing the cats and just being a General Pest. The rain is supposed to continue until midweek and then the temp will drop dramatically which will interesting. We went to Sam's Club today to restock, we're trying to cut down on trips to the supermarket as it seems lately we're there everyday. As you can see, not much going on. Sigh

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