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Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Feet Are Up

Yes, that is it for the Washington pictures - they are lovely, though aren't they? I am currently parked in bed with the TV, Pearl, laptop and  coffee so my world is the way I like it for at least the next ten minutes. My office is picking up at an alarming speed - we have been discovered. We're in a Holding The Fort pattern, due to the time of the year we have staff all lurking in the wings as they have all just been hired and due to the season, have previously planned vacations. So in a couple of week I will be the staff for a week. But for this weekend hopefully nothing will go on and I'll be able to get some things done. My car needs it's oil changed desperately, the house needs cleaning, we are out of food, I have things to buy and things to mail. And I could use a little bit of Just Laying About time - I'm glad I'm knitting socks since you can easily pick them up and put them down and even if I can only get a couple of rows in here and there, they go pretty fast. I finally made an appointment with the local gyn - I have not been to one since we moved and yes, with my family history and personal history I DO know better. I admit though, I just don't like going - I'm always having some lump or bump taken out and the last one was pretty rough.  On the upside all of the incisions healed very nicely (I have 4 - I can't believe it either), but my retirement career of Exotic Dancing will probably not happen.  But I am going and that is that.  On the way home last night I finally stopped at the little farm stand on the way home - I keep meaning to but usually shoot by. They have a very cool dog named Dixie, the strawberries were few and expensive, but the rest of the vegetables were wonderful and not too badly priced. 

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