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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Just Me, The Status Quo

Well, Vincent disappeared AGAIN the other day and just as suddenly reappeared this morning.  David's been hunting for our cat carrier as he's probably going to take him to the vet.Poor Dr. Davis will never have a moments peace now that we've found him. But Vincent still won't use one of his front legs and that ear looks a bit worse for wear so we're once again running around with our open hearts and open checkbooks. I'm just hoping this will move us up the Karma ladder and I won't have to come back as a beetle or something equally icky. Work  continues to be work, I got out of Six O'Clock Jail and can come in at seven, but there's the flip side of that when everyone leaves at 2:30 and I've got to stay til  3:30.David's making plans  to come back to LI next week which works out better for everyone. Our friend Ray was in an accident - he wasnt' hurt but the Neon was and will be in the shop until friday. Ray's been feeling down lately since his sister passed away (he's now the sole remaining sibling of a family of 5) and I told David if the car wasn't fixed in time and he couldn't come it would just make him feel worse. Besides, it's supposed to rain this weekend anyhow. Jackson will have to catch the morning bus which he's not looking foward to but he'll survive. Adam's fine in Japan, we got another "urgent" phone call from the Navy Federal Risk Center for him - I panicked the first time I got one but now I know that the "urgent" is just a nice way of saying he's over his limit again. Thank goodness he's got a fairly tiny limit. I called them back to let them know I would get in contact with him and told them to feel free to cancel his stinkin card anyhow. He has to use us as his home address  so we can keep track of his evil ways and put him on the lecture circuit if need be. And Mr. Lee is dandy in case anyone was wondering, David found her laser light so we've been playing with her with that all week, she can chase it for hours!!

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