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Monday, January 16, 2006

Fashion Statement

Is the weather driving everyone crazy or is it just me? We went from 75 to 35 in one day, from flipflops to snowboots to sneakers. Today it's supposed to be in the 50', tomorrow in the 30's - and possible snow showers to boot - then back up to the 50's. Jackson is off today for Martin Luther King Day but will be up early anyhow as David and I both have to work and his ride to Becky's leaves at 8:30. I finally finished the samauri  kabuto (a feudal Japan war helmet) for Jackson. We decided to skip the stuffed dragon crest for now. The directions for it don't add up so if I get to I do, if I don't whatever. He's happy with the hat and it took more than long enough even without the dragon part. It was the bottom part that did me in - the stitch work on it is much more complicated than it looks and before it went on the hat, it's almost 2 1/2 feet because it gets folded and sewn on. The very sad part is I no longer have Copper to model the finished project, it was strange finishing something and him not here to wear it for me. He always enjoyed it and worked fairly cheap. I still have bouts of crying and sadness, but it's gotten better. David and I are going to get another one we've decided, so much for the no more dogs policy. We found a breeder about an hour and a half from us and her litter was born Friday so we're sending out a deposit on Monday. At 5 weeks we go to see them and if we still want the puppy we put down half and then the other half when we pick it up in March.  I'm sure it'll drive Charger nuts, but it will be good for him to have a companion. Poor Pooh dog, he seems to have realized yesterday that his friend won't be coming home, he lays in Copper's favorite spot staring into the distance. I take him out with me whenever I go and pet him a lot, but there's not much to do to comfort him. They've been together since they were 7 months old so I'm sure it's rough for him.

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