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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

We Are One Less Tonight.

Poor Copper, he had been having problems for the past two weeks but seemed to rally back the other day. We'd been giving him the phenobarbital and that seemed to be helping, but last night was awful. He started failing again, this time there was just no fixing him. No more pills, no more X-rays. We did consider going on - but just looking at him unable to stand and crying so softly under his breath, we just couldn't. He didn't sleep at all last night, he was just so anxious, going from me to David and back again, wobbling and legs collapsing under him. I finally got up around 2:30 am and stayed with him until it was time to go to work. We let Jackson stay home and they took care of him for the day. He wasn't in any real pain yet, David made him hot dogs, I gave him bananas. Today was a very long day - I got through 130 miles, 3 discharges, 1 trip to the lab and pulled a PICC line all before 3 pm and crying between each visit. We took him to Dr. Kenney, we love her a lot and she's been good to all of our pets. David couldn't stay so he hugged Copper goodbye and went to the waiting room. Jackson did stay  but wanted to stay in the back of the room. Copper was such a good boy. Dr. Kenney did the injection on the floor so he could be in my lap, I petted and hugged him while he first went to sleep and then his heart stopped. He passed very peacefully with the people he loved around him, what more could anyone ask?

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