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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

How Much Is It Worth?

That would totally be the most important question,wouldn't it? The real estate agent is due here tomorrow for the first walk through at 10 am tomorrow. We're still sticking to the original game plan of not doing anything until Jackson is through with high school but we've decided to bring the RE in now instead of waiting. That way they can get an idea of what we have, etc and have time to advertise it. David has been worrying the house all day, it's funny how when you buy a house all you can see is what you love about it and the rest lies outside your Rose Colored Glasses Area. When you go to sell the same house every imperfect glares out like a neon sign flashing FIX ME - and the imperfections appear like ants at a picnic. There's no need to panic, I figure we have about 10 months or so but David is frantically scrubbing doors and framing out all the windows. I think this time around we should be much better organized, don't you? He's put the hot tub in the local paper under the giveaway section - I am so tired of looking at the silly thing I could scream. And of course it rained today so I'll have something to do tomorrow (bail out the hot tub). The weather turned cool today, it's the first whiff of fall we've had - you know that just a certain tempeture, not really cold but just the tiniest bit of chill? Just one of those and I'm lost to pumpkin pie making and Halloween decorations, I can't find my big sweater fast enough and the pool instantly loses all attraction.  We are thinking about going to my sister and Diane's for Adam's birthday since he will be working, Pearl is going to do a "dry run" at the local kennel to see how she fares. Cross your paws for her!

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